
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday - I have no witty title, but good photos!

Yesterday saw me embark on a custom order quilt!  For a boy!  I LOVE making quilts for boys, basically because the quilting world is mostly bursting at the seams with feminine fabric lines.  When I was approached to make this quilt, the customer requested a style that her son could grow with - opposed to grow out of.  It didn't take me long to find a suitable choice of fabric.  "World Tour" by Parson Gray is a fabulous and eclectic mix of masculine colours and tones.  The designs are just gorgeous and scream MALE!  I shared my suggestion with the customer and she loved it!  The best part about this order?  The design of the quilt was left entirely up to me!  Yeh!

Patio Quilt Top

Sooooo....... I flicked through Pinterest, because I knew I'd seen a pattern somewhere in there at some stage that would suit.  And this is it!  The Patio pattern by Happy Zombie.  I cut it all out on the weekend, and it has literally taken less than a day to put the entire quilt top together.  My kind of pattern.

Patio Quilt Top

I had to lay out all the cut pieces of print before I could start assembling, in order to get all the colours balanced.  Putting the quilt top together required lots of photo taking and double checking to remember where they all belonged.  Thankfully, I didn't stuff it up!  I made a trip to Spotlight this morning for quilt backing, so with any luck, this baby will be finished by week's end.

ATC's for Wombat Stew

Another project I finally got around to attacking today was my ATC's (artist trading cards).  My lovely Wombat Stew group of gals have been very good and mostly finished their a while back.  But I just couldn't come up with anything remotely interesting or inspiring - so shelved it.  Until this afternoon, when inspiration struck and I dropped everything to strike whilst the iron was hot!  I've finished five out of the eight - but they have to stay a secret until they're all sent off around the world and we've all received them!  So you will see the end result in a few weeks hopefully.

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday & Needle and Thread Thursday - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Your patio quilt is striking! I love the more subtle colourings too- very modern!

  2. Love everything about your World Tour patio quilt!

  3. Your boy quilt looks great :) definitely manly enough to grow with him!

  4. Love the patio quilt, definitely a great choice of fabrics for a boy and great pattern choice, it really showcases the fabrics.

  5. I love everything about this boy quilt. The pattern is great and you can't go wrong with Parson Gray fabric. Nice job!

  6. That pattern is on my to do list too.

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I adore that quilt!! I have to check out the pattern; you have inspired one for my grandson...thank you

  8. great pattern and the fabrics you have chosen work wonderfully with it :-)

  9. Love that quilt... I could make one for my boy... <3

  10. You're right - that patio pattern is perfect for those fabrics. That is going to be one lucky boy!

  11. The patio quilt looks great - can you tell me which white you used for the sashing, I am making a Parson Grey seven wonders quilt, and want to find a white which looks good with the slivery colours in his fabrics.

  12. As the mom of a 9 year old boy, I completely agree with you! Fabric lines for boys are hard to find. You've really made a great boy quilt that he won't outgrow! Love it!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  13. I love the boy quilt fabrics and design. Definitely a great quilt to grow with :)

  14. Oh wowser! That 'boy' quilt is wonderful. Great color choices and the pattern is perfect.


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