
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

World Tour Patio Quilt

I had such a lovely morning...... Managed to bind this gorgeous quilt - and in turn - finish it!  As soon as it was done I wondered how I was going to get good photos?  I mean, Melbourne is dreary and overcast and just a tad bit wet today, so my backyard and clothesline just weren't going to cut it.  Then I  wondered whether I could be brave enough to wander over to the local park, which is literally a minute away, camera in hand, and look a little bit kooky - taking photos of a quilt?

You betcha!

You see, this is no regular little park with a small playground for the kids.  This is what we call the Tim Neville Arboretum.  The Arboretum for short.  It's a huge piece of land on a busy main road, which just happens to have amazing gardens, a big pond and a fantabulous playground!  Now because I'm lazy, I actually jumped in my car and drove the ONE MINUTE there.  And this is what happened......

World Tour Patio
I re-discovered this great amphitheatre which has great big stairs in a perfectly co-ordinated terracotta colour!
World Tour Patio
Brilliant photography prop!
World Tour Patio
I wrote last week how this quilt came about.  But here's a quick re-cap.  It's an order from a lovely customer, who was after a quilt for her son, one that was not babyish and that he could use forever.
World Tour Patio
I chose Parson Gray's World Tour fabric, and went with the Patio pattern by Happy Zombie.  The backing is a relatively plain blender print from Spotlight.
World Tour Patio
When tackling the quilting, I chose Aurifil 50wt #2605, my favourite silver/grey thread of all time!  I began free motion quilting a meandering pattern, but half an hour in decided I didn't like it!  So then spent an hour unpicking it. I sat for a bit just staring at it, willing the quilt to tell me what to do (ok, i'm not that strange am I?).  A few minutes later, I got out my walking foot and the strange attachment I'd never used, and commenced straight lining myself til I was seeing double.

You know - the thingamajig!
World Tour Patio
I am so utterly thrilled with how it looks, I think the straight lines work beautifully with the straight lines of the squares and rectangles.
World Tour Patio
And the starkness of the white is just scrummy!
World Tour Patio

World Tour Patio
Quilt on a log.  Something I never thought I'd be saying or doing!

Overall, I am VERY happy with this quilt!  And so is the customer, which is even better!  It's all wrapped up and ready to post tonight.

The stats - Measures 62" x 83"
Fabrics - Parson Gray "World Tour", White Homespun, Spotlight blender backing
Quilting - Straight line extreme sport with Aurifil 50wt #2605
Binding - Machine bound with "World Tour"
And just because I love you all - here's one last photo to make you smile!  This gorgeous family of ducks and ducklings wandered across the path and in to the pond on my way back to the car!


I'm linking up with And Sew We Craft Together's new Linky Party, Needle & Thread Thursday and T.G.I.F.F. obviously later this week!
Covering all bases - You can too!

And Sew We Craft


  1. Great! The quilt and the photos as well!

  2. Love the ducks! Love the quilt even more- the quilting is perfect for the fabric and pattern.

  3. This quilt turned out great! Love the straight line quilting.

  4. I love going to the Arboretum, what a great place to take photos. I love your quilt.

  5. The pictures are lovely, but it's the star that makes them shine! This gives me inspiration for my Parson quilt!

  6. Love the quilt Mel, i always let the quilt "speak " to me so, no, i don't think it is strange. I find it is worth it to listen , it saves time unpicking. I love your photography too, what a super place to have nearby

  7. Oh my...this quilt is totally outstanding (on a log!). The colors are perfect for a growing boy. What a great park. Lucky you. It takes a lot of communing with a quilt to get the right quilting pattern.

  8. love the photos on the stairs! I know I have looked like a crazy person before when taking pictures of quilts, especially when sometimes you need to crouch down really low to get the right angle. The quilt is beautiful though!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

    1. beautiful!!

      Thanks for linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday!

      :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  9. Love this quilt! The pattern really shows off these fab prints - great photos too!

  10. This is gorgeous - and a great photo shoot :)

  11. That is a fantastic quilt! So beautiful and manly but not so manly that I wouldn't enjoy it in the house. And it coordinated with the terra cotta so well! I really am in love, I am a sucker for white based quilts.

  12. Love. It. What a great dude-friendly quilt. Nice work. I haven't made my husband a quilt yet because he can be particular and I'm scared haha

  13. I'm so glad you were brave enough to look a little kooky - those pictures are totally worth it! What a great place to visit, and great photo backgrounds. I love the quilt. It's so fresh and clean looking. Congratulations!

  14. I love this quilt and the straight lines are perfect.

  15. Gorgeous! And the pictures are beautiful. Great finish.


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