
Saturday, October 5, 2013

September Round Up......Late As Usual!

As these school holidays limp to an end (TWO MORE SLEEPS!!!), I've accepted that I've been a little lack lustre in terms of getting things done when they're supposed to be!  BUT - they do get done - eventually.  Like my September round up!

I've managed to finish a few quilty projects - World Tour Patio quilt, which was a customer order; My Artist's trading cards, which I'm still yet to do a complete blog post about, as we are still waiting for one of our recipients to receive hers; Refractatorium wall hanging quilt; Polaroid bee block for QCA Bee#5.

I also got back in to the swing of things, dressmaking wise.  Whipped up these three little frocks, and about six more not photographed!  All for customers - which makes my heart sing!

And that's all folks!  October is already shaping up to be a big one!

I'm linking up with Fresh Sewing Day - You can too!

Lily's Quilts

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