
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blog Hop with Giveaways - WINNER WINNER FABRIC DINNER!

Now some of you may be confused with that title….. But thought I'd change up the 'chicken dinner' with fabric of course!

A big thanks to you all for your 306 comments on my giveaway post!  I did read them all - promise!  I just could not physically get to replying to you all, so my apologies!

We have a winner………..drum roll……….


I was thrilled to go back to your comment after pulled your number and find that you're joining in my Blog Hop!  Woohoo!  I shall email you shortly and get them in the post for you.

And of course, you can read all about the Cushion For Christmas Blog Hop HERE.  Only THREE MORE SLEEPS!

Ms Midge


  1. Congratulations to the winner Linda. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

  2. How wonderful! I am so happy to win your amazing giveaway Midge. So happy. Those fabrics are just gorgeous and I will definitely put them to good use. I can't wait for the Cushion Hop to start so I can get lots of ideas. I do love to make cushions. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway. I have emailed you my address. Thanks again so much.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx