
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 11 - Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop & W.I.P. Wednesday!

Day 11 of the Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop!  The lovely Alyce over @ Blossom Heart Quilts has a great tutorial for this lovely ruffled cushion….

Be sure to pop over and check it out!  And for all the information about the blog hop, you can find it HERE with the rest of the schedule (there's only 3 days left!!!!), and all the wonderful prizes up for grabs from the fabulous sponsors!  There's still time for you to join in - the linky party will be up on the 14th…..

Now - on to my W.I.P. Wednesday post…….  A dilemma.

You see, I've been so caught up in Christmas sewing - cushions, pouches, pyjamas, santa sacks blah blah blah, that all I've been dreaming about is my next quilt!  The dilemma I have is which direction to take?  I have so many gorgeous bundles of fabric on my shelves, all with the good intention of being made in to quilts for me or my family, but I simply cannot decide which one to work with next?  It's like choosing your favourite child - which for interest's sake, this week, is Chloe…..  Sssshhhhhhh, I didn't say that!

Last Kindergarten Christmas concert - Ever!
Anyway, here are some photos to show you my dilemma….

Sunday Stash

Sunday Stash

Waterfront Park, Nordika and Koi were all "had to have" fabric purchases earlier this year….

Just found these in the mailbox! Thanks @lueluebella
And then there's my ever growing collection of Wrenly, just patiently awaiting my attention….


Sooooo…….. What should I do?  Where should I start?  What would you do??  Help!!!!!!

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced - You can too!


  1. oh wow this is quite a hard decision, they are all so beautiful and yummy, but I think I would start with Koi, just love the colors in it the most.

    cant wait to see, with what you will start and what you will do

  2. Waterfront Park because it's summer, and it seems more appropriate than Nordika.

  3. Waterfront Park. I'm so in love with that collection!

  4. I would say Waterfront Park or Koi.

  5. I love that Wrenly fabric...very sweet, as is that "favorite" of yours holding her diploma! :O)

  6. Dilemma indeed! Hmm..I vote for Koi, mostly because the colors are the most different from the traditional Christmas colors you've probably been working with. Time for a change! :)

  7. I vote for Waterfront Park or Nordika!


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