
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 4 Cushion for Christmas AND W.I.P. Wednesday!

Today is day FOUR of the Cushion for Christmas blog hop - and Molli has well and truly put his sparkle on for this task!  Head over to HERE to see!!  I hope you're all enjoying the hop?  I've had so many fabulous comments about y'all being inspired, which is exactly what I hoped would happen!  I can't wait for everyone to link up on the 14th!

Now, on to my W.I.P. for this week.  I started this paper pieced quilt top back at the start of October, with these beautiful blocks…


But with all the cushion hoopla going on, and the wonderful orders flowing in from my customers, I just hadn't had time to get back to it.  Until last weekend, when I got my s*it together and finished the top!

Paper pieced quilt top

The pattern is another fabulous release from Kristy @ Quiet Play.  You can purchase the pattern HERE.  I saw hers and knew it was the right design for the fabric, and she very graciously upsized her pattern to a queen size version for me.  But as I do, I decided 10 blocks in that I wouldn't be making it queen size, due to a number of factors - the main one being that I just wouldn't have the time nor cash flow to get it quilted by someone else.  So throw/lap size it is!  It will be a gift for someone very special in the new year.

Now I just need to get a couple of hours free to baste and quilt it!  I have plans for the quilting, but not sure if I'll be able to pull them off!

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday - You can too!

And if you want to join in the Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop, you'll find all the details HERE.  There are some wonderful sponsors with awesome prizes up for grabs!  Go!

Ms Midge


  1. your quilt top is so pretty! It's like a newer, fresh chevron. Whoever receives it is sure to love it!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  2. Love how this has come together - it looks gorgeous!

  3. Another beautiful quilt top! Can't wait to see your quilting plans :)

  4. Gorgeous quilt top! I love the fabrics!

  5. I love how restful it is! Those are my favourite colours too. Well done!

  6. That turned out great! Hope you find some time to quilt it soon :)

  7. Geometric prints work great in this design :)

  8. wow, I really love that quilt top! I also love the colors that you did it in!

    Stopping by from Lee's hop

  9. love your color palette for the quilt! it's kind of like the pow wow pattern, but not exactly. very nice top you've got going!

  10. Love this quilt top! Its tempting me to try paper piecing.


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