
Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Wedding Gift & The End Of An Era

You know what I love?  I love when I make something and post a photo on my Facebook page, that someone else loves it too and immediately orders one!  That's exactly what happened a couple of weeks ago when I finished the ring bearer's cushion for my brother-in-law's upcoming wedding!

The customer requested specific fabric for the cushion - which I had none of!  Lucky for me, I'm in a few fabulous FB groups, and put a call out for scraps of Sugar Flower.  Even luckier for me, a couple of lovely women came to the rescue!  And yesterday, I spent the afternoon putting the order together.....

Wedding Cushion - Sugar Flowers

I adore this little paper piecing pattern by Quiet Play.  I already have another one printed out, ready to make a third!  I used the old faithful Aurifil #2024 to piece and quilt all the little pebbles on the front.  I'm getting pretty damn good at those damn pebbles!  It's taken a few projects to get in to my pebbling groove - proof that practice makes better.

Wedding Cushion - Sugar Flowers

Can you believe the back of the cushion is made from two scraps?!!?!?  Thanks Toni!!!  I love how bright and sunny this print is.

Wedding Cushion - Sugar Flowers

I heart hearts!


My favourite, but most nerve wracking part of these cushions, is the stamping.  I bought these divine little stamp sets before Christmas, not having any purpose in mind - just because they were cute!  And they have already been used twice!  Who knew!??!

And just because I've been talking about it for weeks now, Chloe started school today!  In what I can only describe as "an end of an era", today ended 15 years of having a child/children home with me.  Whilst I can confirm I did not cry when we dropped her off, I cannot deny my throat closing over and choking up last night when I got her uniform out.  And I can also not deny the tears that were shed this morning whilst I was by myself.  I'm sure there will be more tears over the coming weeks and months, when I find myself wondering where my little quiet companion is?



The four most precious "little" people in my life.


And the fifth, who started work late so he could continue the tradition of taking our kids to their first day of school.


THIS is what I will miss!

I'm linking up with Pretty Bobbins and Quiet Play - You can too!

Paper Piecing Party


  1. Love the cushion and a set of stamping letters has been on my wish list for a while.

  2. Cushion turned out great and YES you are good at the pebbles.

  3. The ring cushion is adorable -- and congrats on selling one already!! Thanks for sharing...

  4. This is SO cute!! Love it..and that quilting is awesome!

  5. adorable cushion and pics!!! Hope your baby is enjoying her new school adventure!!! i have 3 more years until everyone will be in school and it will have been 22 years of having kids at home. Yikes, that will be a change!!!!!

  6. another fabulous wedding cushion, like the first one

  7. Your cushion looks wonderful, Melissa. Chloe looks so grown up in her uniform. I bet she had the best day.

  8. Darling! Your whole post ... my oldest starts 4 year old Kindy (it's compulsory in WA) on Monday ... got any spare Kleenex?

  9. Such a cute pillow! Love the quilting and the paper pieces hearts, and the stamps! I totally want some now too :-)

  10. its gorgeous, as are your lovely kids. My youngest started school last year and I still miss him during the day :-( Could you tell me what ink you use for your stamps? I found some stamps in a shop here, but they only have ink for paper which I am guessing would just run everywhere if I put it on fabric.

  11. Pebblicious pillow! :-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  12. HY!wow very nice your baby pics and i like the last one.Thanks for share. Wedding gifts

  13. Beautiful cushion, your pebbles are so neat! Hope your little lady is enjoying school.

  14. The cushion turned out beautifully! Your quilting is so gorgeous!

    New week of school - hope your Little Miss is enjoying it! Love that last photo!

  15. Such gorgeous kids! I love how everything you make just works! You have a great eye for colour and the productivity of a machine! Thanks for linking up and your kind words last week!! Big love xxx


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