
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekly Round Up

We are nearly half way through the Summer school holidays here.  And this week - Summer arrived!  We've had a very unseasonally cool few weeks, so we have taken advantage of the sun and heat and spent some time outdoors.  I thought I would share some evidence of such frivolity.....

Finally a great day for the beach!

We don't get to the beach much, it's a minimum 30 minute drive, but one of my best friends lives down near the sea, so we traipsed down there!  It was brilliant!

A bit of cool relief! #summerisherefinally

Chloe received this sprinkler fun set for Christmas.  Now up until a year or so ago, my kids had no idea what a sprinkler was!  You see, for many years we were on water restrictions here in Melbourne, so no sprinklers allowed!  We've had plenty of rain this year - so it's fun for everyone!

Taking a break and taking in fresh air.... And laughing at cadyns water boy enthusiasm! #hescricketobsessed

My husband plays cricket every Summer.  Yawwwwnnnnnnnnn.  I try really hard to make a concerted effort to get down and watch him every now and then, but really, I have sewing to do.  Anyway, my youngest son goes with his Dad every week, and is sort of like a club mascot.  He has his own club shirt etc, and is water boy for the team.  He takes this very seriously.  I don't.  This photo was taken yesterday, when I took the girls down for an hour or so, and I was laughing at Cadyn's enthusiasm.  God love him.

Anyway, I wanted to show you how I've been spending my time and exhausting myself, and why I haven't been blogging!  So I'm putting all the pretty photos in to one post to display my week of sewing!

I've started my #sweetpouchswap Am experimenting so may be a disaster!

I'm taking part in the Sweet Pouch Swap, hosted by the lovely Ros from Sew Delicious.  I've missed out the first two rounds of the swap, so am very excited to be joining in this time round!  I've been partnered up with Barbara from Germany - you have to go and check out her blog HERE.  Click on translate or just enjoy the beautiful photos!  Given the deadline for posting our pouches is the end of this month, and I am working quite a bit and will be going away for a week - I deliberated for a few days on what I would make, and then got it all sorted the other day.

#sweetpouchswap #finished #sneakpeek ✔️

Here's a sneak peak at the finished product.  Now to fill it with sweets!  I will do a big reveal of it once it's arrived in Germany!

Trying to work out which fabrics to use for remaining blocks on this quilt is doing my head in! I want the colours balanced out hmphhhhh

The other project I've been working on is my Waterfront park quilt.  I finished another three blocks yesterday and then laid it all out to see what I needed to do colour wise for the remaining blocks.  It did my head in.

6 more finished! I think I need another 5...... #waterfrontpark @violetcraft

But I kept going and got another six blocks finished today!  Phew.

Phew! That was hard work! #paperpieced #wombatstew #starwars #r2d2

And last but certainly not least - I got my January block done for Fiona in our Wombat Stew paper piecing bee.  Now if you can't figure out what the theme of Fiona's blocks are, I'm in trouble!  This little beast was very fiddly, but I got through it!  It's another fabulous pattern by Kristy at Quiet Play.  All of her Star Wars Lego patterns are free - so head over and check them out!

And that's it.  I'm working the next few days, then have Thursday and Friday off before working all weekend - but am looking forward to then heading down to the beach the following week!  SO much to do - SO little time!

I'll be linking up with a bunch of peeps this week, when their linkies open up!

Sew Cute Tuesday


  1. wow you have been quite busy, totally love your waterfront park quilt

  2. Wow, now thats being productive :) Waterfront Park blocks are stunning, colours are perfect :)

  3. Love your work. Great colours in tall the fabrics. For some reason I thought you were in the US not melbourne (where I am). :)

  4. Happy Summer to you!! I love the R2D2 block - Kristy is SO clever!!

  5. Love your star crossed blocks! Most of the ones I've been sent from my bee are orange/blues/reds so it's interesting seeing yours come together as it looks very similar in colour to mine lol!

  6. Ah Melbourne looks so lovely in the sun :-)

  7. You're a busy woman! I'm in love with your Waterford Park project! Can't wait to see more of it.

  8. the sprinkler is a definite joy of summer...glad you can enjoy it!!! 30 min to the beach is close! i think it is at minimum 12 hr drive to the nearest beach for us. the cold coast line is 3 hrs away but i am more of a warm beach lover than the cold coast! you have a lot of beautiful projects in the works; i spy another pretty zip that has been used!!!!

  9. Oh I can't wait for it to warm up here in Texas, thankfully the winter only last a couple months and we'll have beach weather sooner rather than later :)

    I love your Waterfront Park blocks! They are looking amazing!

  10. LOVE your Waterfront blocks! Can't wait to see the finished quilt!

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  12. R2 looks great as well as your Waterfront blocks! Such great colors.

  13. Love your Star Wars block! Thanks for the link to the patterns.

  14. LOVE your Waterfront Park quilt, and your R2D2 block looks awesome! It's great that your son gets some time with Dad and you get some sewing time. win-win!

    Thanks for partying at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation


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  16. What is the fabric you are using in your Waterfront blocks. So fabulous. I love the patterns on each fabric. Wonderful. Happy Sewing!


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