
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday - Star Crossed

I'd like to put "lovers" after the star crossed, but that really wouldn't make sense!  Anyway, I'd love to share with you my almost finished Waterfront Park quilt top!  I finished the 20th and final block for it a few days ago, but have been busy with orders, so didn't get around to putting it together.  Until today...

** Warning - ordinary photos from my iPhone due to major laziness **

Star-crossed Quilt top

I am completely and utterly in love with this......and am so glad that I didn't take the easy way out like I was contemplating, and stuck with my original plan.

This is about as technical as my quilt planning gets..... Let's see if my maths works!! #isuckatmaths 

The plan that looked somewhat like this.  You know when you know what you want to do, but really have no idea how to make it happen?  Well, you do, but your lack of mathematical skills get in your way?  Yeh, that.  Lucky for me, after an hour of trying to work out those little crosses, I threw my hands up in the air (and no, I did not wave them around like I just don't care), and sent out an SOS to my Wombat Stew gals.  Alyce the maths genius came to the rescue and told me exactly what to do and how to do it.

And they're done! Special thanks to @blossomheartquilts for her maths skills. #istillsuckatmaths

And these little 3.5" babies were born.

Star-crossed quilt top

It all went rather smoothly-ish, until the last row was being sewn together.  Which I won't show you because I'm still trying to work out whether I can be bothered unpicking the row, then the little block and then trying to make it work better.  But let's just say my intersections aren't matched up in two spots, and it will more than likely annoy the shit out of me when I next pull it out, and will more than likely be fixed.  Or not.  Who knows?

Sooooooo, this bad boy will have to wait until next week for more progress - for we are off to Lorne tomorrow until Sunday!  My brother-in-law and his lovely fiance are getting married on Friday, so we're making a lonnnnnnng weekend of it!  I. Can't. Wait.

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced - You can too!


  1. Love the pluses for cornerstones! I'm still waiting for two bee blocks so I can finish my quilt, so Iove seeing this to get some ideas on what to do with it!

  2. I love this and I think the cornerstones really make the whole thing work

  3. This looks amazing! I'm generally a non picker myself unless it's really obnoxious :)

  4. what a beautiful top! i love the plus cornerstones.

  5. it really is stunning. And hurray for Maths Geniuses!

  6. in love with the little cornerstones, so cute and tiny, and a happy weekend at the wedding

  7. Your little cross cornerstone blocks have white at the corners; the blocks they meet have white at the corners. Corners not matching will not show much. I save my stitch picking for high contrast meeting spots that do not match up. Just sayin'.

  8. Ridiculously gorgeous.

  9. 3.5" plus blocks - genius! Enjoy your long weekend :)

  10. Turned out awesome!!! The little pluses are perfection! You have too much invested in this to not fix the last can do it quickly :) Have a fun looong weekend and hope the wedding goes off with out a hitch and the girls' hair is easy to fix!

  11. I love the star crosses. Are they your own design, or did you follow a pattern for them? They certainly would have taken some Maths. I like the Maths part, and the colour part, but can't draw. I have to get someone else to help with that if there's an appliqué or picture needed.


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