
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Stash & Dash

The following fabrics are brought to you by an eagerness to collect hoard, a fabulous Australia Post employee - who took the time to actually Google me to find my phone number, and therefore find out my street number, when the sender didn't put it on the parcel AND a great neighbour who delivers my parcels to me after a different Australia Post employee takes some of my parcels to her address - because, you know, who needs to look at the actual name of my Court??  Bless. 

These gorgeous little cuts arrived today! I love it when others destash!

These divine Heather Ross prints went straight to the pool room shoe box! I'm getting quite the collection... I picked them up through a little destash group I'm in on Facebook - let me know if you want in! 

Oh my giddy aunt!!!!! These divine #kayohoraguchi prints just arrived in the mail!!!

This amazing little bundle came care of a gorgeous fabric store - Lucky Lantern. Would you believe I had no idea they existed - until a "sponsored post" floated through my FB newsfeed?? Well, let it be said those posts work! Unfortunately, she is shutting shop - Noooooo!!!!  My favourite Japanese fabric designer Kayo Horaguchi was snapped up, as well as some gorgeous linen - I've never bought linen before - Sssshhhhhh......

 Very happy mail from #craftdepot

And these? Well, they speak for themselves really. Propping up my Anna Maria Horner collection, and the Sphere by Zen Chic charm packs were purchased to actually use! Who knew?? I will show you what I've already whipped up using them later in the week. Oh, and I got them from Craft Depot in Sydney. Their "sale" section is seriously good!
The "dash" part of this post has a lot to do with the fact that these fabrics have arrived and I've barely had time to touch them! Boooooo!!! I'm linking up - You can too! 

Molli Sparkles
P.S. - Don't forget to check out my 500th post giveaway from yesterday! xxx


  1. Oh Those Octopuses... Octopi? I love them! I also love that is it due to a collected effort that you get your fabrics to hoard ;) What facebook page are you talking about? Willing to share the address? I have some fabrics I would love to swap with someone. Happy Sunday!

  2. You are so lucky! Great fabrics... Especially the Heather Ross prints. Don't keep them bottled up forever!

  3. Oh goodness gracious! You've cleaned up this week! Do I know about this Facebook group? I can't believe you got HR off there, you must be a charlatan! I must get out to Craft Depot I really feel like I am missing out! Haha. I did go to Patchwork on Pittwater yesterday though and it was fab!

  4. I love Japanese fabric at the moment need to get some in my stash !!

  5. Loads of luscious there. Love the HR. You lucky duck!

  6. Love the undersea prints! And my you have some nice postal workers in Australia - if that happened here, the packages would all be forever lost in the ether ; )

  7. What a truly nice postal worker! Lovely additions to your stash! The under seas prints are gorgeous. I love linen and plan on using it more.

  8. It's hard to believe how they even got to you! What fun. I'd love to be in on the destash. I've an, ahem, comfortable stash.

  9. I'm glad all of this delicious fabric was able to make it to your door, the linen looks especially nice, off to check out her store.

  10. My favorite colors are China Blues and Whites. Thanks, Kathy


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