
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday - Gonna Put This Song On Replay

For it seems this is going to be an ongoing story for me this year!  The quilter's ADHD has kicked in full force and I'm getting through my list of projects whilst I have some time off work here and there.  Here's a bunch of goodies I've been working on this past week..... {Photos Care of IG}

Almost hyperventilating with excitement! ! Once again the kids need for food trumps my need to sew these into rows!  #modernmedallion  #modernmedallionquiltalong

I've actually sewn all 80 of these wonky crosses on to my Modern Medallion, but have not had the time nor inclination to get out my good camera!  I can reassure you it looks freakin awesome!

Just put some of my #qcabee5 blocks together! This #radiatingsparkler block will be up on the blog this week so everyone can make their own! @katespain ♡♥

My QCA Bee #5 gals have delivered the goods, and I've sewn together these divine Radiating Sparkler blocks!  I have to expand the quilt top further to make it a decent size, but that will be done soon-ish-ly.  The tutorial for this block will be up here on the blog by the weekend!  Promise!

#quilted #justneedsbinding #iwannadosomethingelse

I quilted my little Vintage Modern quilt yesterday.  And whilst at it realised I had lost my FMQ-jo.  That's right - I just can't get my s*it together enough at the moment to free motion anything larger than a bloody cushion!  Sigh.  Anyway, just need to bind this baby!

Omg @quiltjane these #nestedchurndash blocks are freakin huge!!!! #thinkingillstophere #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap

I started my mini quilt for the Schnitzel & Boo mini quilt swap!

#justneedsbinding #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap

And also managed to quilt it.  Another project that just needs binding.  I adore the nested churn dash pattern by Quilt Jane.  Seriously, go get yourself one!

And just because I have a list a mile long.....another project started...... #pinkgoldpearlshowcase

And lastly - I started this project this afternoon.  Big 9" triangles in Pink, gold and Pearl for a special upcoming showcase.  I've had to refer back to my Triangle Tips post!  I have never made an entire quilt top using all Art Gallery fabrics.......  But may just have a new addiction.  Seriously yummy piece of work!

Phew.  Another week, another million projects!

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced & Little White Dove - You can too!

Little White Dove


  1. These all look fabulous and I'm in awe of your productivity. Can't wait for the tutorial. Here via WIP Wednesday on Freshly Pieced (and you know, now that I'm stalking you I'm here all the time... just lurking... in the shadows.... )

  2. Such amazingle beautiful WiPs! I would kill for your Medallion and I adore the pink and gold triangles!!

  3. Oh my goodness, and I thought I was being productive....absolutely love all of your works in progress

  4. Do you ever stop sewing? Looking forward to starting the Modern Medallion QAL next week - Your's is looking amazing!

  5. Wow, you are a busy beaver! Love your mini quilt, bunny in the centre is very cute - it'll be a lovely thing to get in the post!

  6. I'm exhausted just reading this lot! You'll be getting your binding mo-jo soon?

  7. Oh that Marcelle Medallion is going to be stunning! I just love the fabrics you've used. Wow you are a busy bee!

  8. You are so incredible fast, I just dont know how you do it, and your medailon is so stunning, totally in love with your fabrics

  9. Love your medallion quilt! And those nested churn dashes are great too. You are a busy lady!

  10. Your Modern Medallion is looking wonderful! the low volumes are looking great alongside the AMH fabrics. And can see why your pink & gold triangles would be addictive, they are yummy indeed! L

  11. Every one of those is lovely. I love the way you put the fabrics together.

  12. You have so many awesome projects going on! I can't decide which I like most!

  13. So so much pretty! How fun having so many projects to choose from! Thanks for joining the Aussie WIP Wednesday :)


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