
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday - Putting The Pedal To The Metal

You know how I don't make lists?  Yeh well, as Dr Phil would say - "How's that working for you?"  Lately - not very well.  SO - I made a list!  All the commitments I have made for showcases and blog hops and life in general had to come out in to the open and be revealed.  And once they were, I prioritised and literally put my pedal to the metal!

Some of the things on my list are as follows:

* Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap - organised and I have managed to fill all 56 spots!  All the lovely peeps who have signed up have been extremely organised and are getting along fabulously.

* Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap - I have received my recipient with relevant information.  I've spent some time stalking their social media and have a semi-plan in place for what I will be making.

* Perfectly Pretty Picnic Showcase - Ummmm, haven't decided nor started.  I have three weeks to sort that out.

* I See Red Showcase - I think I may just put the Vintage Modern quilt in to that one.  Is it red enough?  That is the question.  Must follow that one up.

* Pink, Pearl & Gold Showcase - I have the fabric.  I have a semi-plan.  I haven't started.

* Collaborate For A Cause - I have the fabric.  I have a semi-plan.  I haven't started.

(Seeing a pattern here??)

And lastly:

* Modern Medallion Quilt Along - Well, I think you can say I'm on the ball with this one!

Modern Medallion Progress

Oh.  Em.  Gee.  I got the medallion and first border sorted yesterday - after a little swearing and a two hour lunch break, the curves all came together beautifully.  Then today, I got my geese on.  80 wonky geese - tick.

As I mentioned the other day, Crystal over at Two Little Aussie Birds is releasing this beautiful pattern and running a fab quilt along for everyone!  Beginning first week of June.  So keep your eyes peeled for all the details.  I will be hosting one of the weeks, so needed to get myself moving to be organised.  Tick.

So, that's my list.  Let's see how far I get with it!  And just because we all love pretty pictures, I took this today in the midst of my geese-athon.  Flying geese - literally.

Flying Geese - Literally

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced - You can too!

And Little White Dove

Little White Dove


  1. Awesome are on fire with those lists

  2. I too have a long list. I'm intrigued by the showcases... what are they? I wanted to sign up to the Kate Spain charm swap but I was a little intimidated by it all - next time I will be brave and do it!

    OMG I love your medallion - I just love all the AMH and the wonk and just everything! Can't wait to see this progress! Rock on!

  3. Your Medallion is looking fantastic and I love seeing all this fabric like bunting!

  4. i love making lists, I make them for everything, totally list addicted,
    your list is quite long, a ton to do, cant wait to see all your things, and your medaillon is so pretty, wish I had time for one too

  5. love your medallion, this is the second one I have seen and now I need to look in to that further lol!

    Stopping by from Lee's hop

  6. I do like all of those really flying geese :)

  7. I guess it is better to be a chain piecer than a chain smoker ;). Your medallion is looking so awesome; AMH plus low volume equals perfection!!!

  8. Lists are funny like that -- it's awesome to scratch off an item but then there always seem to be a few more items. Good luck!

  9. My list feels a bit like that times - so of course I've just added two new quilts to it! Thanks for joining the Aussie WIP Wednesday linky :)

  10. I always have lists going. Your quilt is amazing!


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