
Thursday, June 5, 2014

I Quilt - Party Over Here!

Truth be told - I'm feeling like a bit of a blog-hosting-hussy of late!  But a blog friend has to do what a blog friend has to do......  And tonight, Ms Gemma from Pretty Bobbins is feeling rather poorly, so the I Quilt party is being held here!  Go throw your quilts in the air and shake em like you just don't care!  Ok, maybe not.....

I Quilt @ Pretty Bobbins

Lucky for you I managed to stop off at the local park this afternoon, dodged the rain and froze my butt off - but got some lurvely photos of my latest finish.

Vintage Modern Pinwheel Quilt

I found a Vintage Modern charm pack amongst my stash a few weeks ago, and thought it would be perfect for the upcoming "I See Red" Showcase over at Harley Barley on FB.

Vintage Modern Pinwheel Quilt

It is a VERY simple design - all HST's laid out in a simple row, with a couple of red pinwheels thrown in the mix for added interest!  The little peep border is a first for me, and I just love what it brings to the quilt.

Vintage Modern Pinwheel Quilt

I've backed it in a green homespun I had here on my shelf - and I promise it's not all puckered and bunched up!  It had been folded for a week or two, and I didn't think to iron it before heading out!

Vintage Modern Pinwheel Quilt

I really love that a simple 42 piece charm pack can be turned in to something so beautiful.  My Aussie Charm Swap mates and I are pinning ourselves silly at the moment on my Charm Square LOVE Pinterest board.  Pop by and have a look!

Vintage Modern Pinwheel Quilt

This quilt has a finished size of 40" x 46" - perfect for a cot/toddlers quilt or a child's lap quilt.  It will be available to purchase on the 18th of June!

Now - I mentioned last week that I had lost my FMQ-jo.  This little project was the one that lead me to that conclusion.  I was so sad.  I wanted to free motion to heck out of it, but just couldn't get myself together, and instead went with some straight lines through the blocks.  I did manage to do a little swirly pattern around the outer border, which I think is darling and suits this pretty little quilt.  And I used my favourite Aurifil #2024 50wt thread to both piece and quilt.

Since then, I have purchased myself an extension table for my Bernina.  I've set it up and have had it in place whilst piecing a few blocks this past week, but am finding it strange to get used to.  I'm hoping with time, it will become part of my regular setup and will make quilting SOOOO much easier!?  Time will definitely tell - as I have two quilts tops ready to baste and quilt!

So tell me - how do you get your sew-jo or FMQ-jo back when it's gone on hiatus??  And have you changed your quilting set up in order to help?  Did it take a while to get used to?


Please link your quilty process below and visit three other linkers - it's always nice to share the love!

P.S.  Anyone notice anything different around here?? ;)


  1. Wow, first to the linky party! Your quilt is gorgeous. I really love that skinny little border. It adds so much flair to the whole quilt. Thanks for guest-hosting today.

  2. You can't beat anything made with HSTs! I always tell my fmq students to work from the side or the back (90 or 180 degrees) of their machine - working in this new position stops the forward motion muscle memory associated with normal sewing and frees you for new adventures in fmq, it often helps with fmq anxiety and mojo :D - Chris

  3. It's nice to visit another blog! Thanks for hosting!

    1. LOVE your HST quilt by the way! I'm a bit of a HST addict at the moment.

  4. Love your HST quilt. The pinwheels really make it fun! and LOVE the new blog look!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatauation

  5. Ai! I can't believe it's Thursday already! Love your new blog header :)

  6. I'm not going to be much help with mojo :-( I quilt so little during the school year that I can't wait to quilt whenever I can! If I have a project that I need to get done and I'm getting tired of it, I just press on. I may be grumbling but the deadline pushes (shoves) me forward. I love the pinwheels in the quilt; it's a bit of whimsy.

  7. Looks like facelift :-) Your quilt and pics are lovely.

  8. Beautiful quilts, and sometimes I loose my FMQ "mojo" too---it's beautiful but a lot of work!

  9. Love the new look, but I'm particularly partial to your about page. ;) :)

  10. I seem to have lost my sewing mojo generally at the moment.
    I got my husband to cut a hole in my sewing table so I could have my machine inset into it which makes FMQ easier as you can rest your fore arms on the table.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx