
Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's A Wrap - Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap!

My "little" idea to put together a "little" charm swap here in Australia got off the ground and sort of turned in to something BIG!  Thanks to the generosity of the lovely Michele from Quilts From My Crayon Box, who kindly shared all her charm swap tips and information with me - I was able to run the swap relatively smoothly!  All up, there were 48 of us involved (with 8 lucky people taking 2 spots each).  112 different Kate Spain fabrics were sent from all corners of Australia, and the end result is this:

Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap Collection

Is that not THE most divine display of colour you have ever seen?  I am very pleased to say we have 11 fabric lines represented.....

Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap Collection

Central Park; Cuzco; Daydreams; Fandango & Flurry.........

Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap Collection 

Good Fortune; Honey Honey & Serenade........

Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap Collection

Sunnyside; Terrain & Verna......

What I love best about this "little" exercise is that each of us have received a VERY limited edition charm park!  Only 56 of them exist in the whole wide world!  And THAT my friends is fabulous!

So, now that we have our pretty little packages - what shall we do with them?  Well, I suggest we GET CREATING!  Our group of charm swappers have been madly pinning ideas on the Charm Square LOVE Pinterest board.  And I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.  In the meantime - I'm putting together a little old quilt along of sorts, and in around six weeks or so, I'd love to see some results!  WATCH THIS SPACE!

Where to now?  What will I do with all of my spare time - now I'm not sorting thousands of 5" squares, I have my sewing space back and my poor postman has no parcels to deliver to me?  Well - I start thinking of the next Aussie Charm Swap of course!?!?  Yes - I'm bonkers.  Give me a few weeks, and I'll be back with another one!

Until then - Ciao for now!


  1. The photos look amazing! Another fab thing about being part of this swap is getting to know some quilters and their work, being very new to quilting it's been really great getting to know some of the people behind blogs and IG accounts. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone does with their charms.

    Thanks so much for organising this. I'm looking forward to the next one :)

  2. Oooh so pretty! So excited for my set to arrive :D

  3. Beautiful colours but you expect that with Kate Spain. I'm undecided what to make but I do have a bundle of Fandango (the whole range) so I may play around with the charm squares and finally cut that bundle to make something huge!

  4. How wonderful for each participant, it's all so beautiful!

  5. Love, love the photos. Of course! LOL How could I not since I'm just as addicted as you are.


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