
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Stash & Dash

I'm pleased to say I haven't made any SUBSTANTIAL purchases of fabric in recent weeks.  A few metres here and there of Homespun for quilt backs and this little bundle of yummy.....

Just home from work to find my beautiful fabric from @jotickle arrived! Thanks for the extras!  Xx

I bought this AMH yardage from Jodi at Tickle & Hide (she's having another destash on IG tomorrow!) and will use it for my Modern Medallion backing.  She threw in the other goodies which was just lovely!

Ok @mummahump you deserve a big kiss too! ! #aussiecharmswap

I'll class these as stash additions, because hey, doesn't everyone need cookies and chocolate to sew?!?!  The Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap is in full swing, and the lovely Amy popped these in with hers - they will be most appreciated whilst sorting five billion charm squares!

Another hour of sorting done! @katespain #aussiecharmswap

Speaking of sorting - this is what charm square madness looks like people.  56 piles of fabric goodness.  It's FRIGGING hard work!!!!  But the end result will be UH-mazing!!

I'm partying hard here.  #saturdaynightcraftalong #cosineededanewproject #koi

And just quickly....... a late night pic off my phone last night, to illustrate how wonderful surprises can be hiding in your stash.  This is the oh-so-divine Koi fabric range, and has been sitting patiently on my shelf awaiting a project.  What better time for inspiration to hit than a Saturday evening??  It was all chopped up, and today I put a whole quilt top together!  I will share it with you all on Wednesday.  All I will say is this - my bestest friends in the world better bloody love me!

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles


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