
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap

A couple of months ago, I signed up to join in the fun of Schnitzel & Boo's Mini Quilt Swap!  It was one of those - I have no idea what I'm doing but it sounds good - kind of deals.  Once I wrapped my head around what it involved, I knew exactly which mini quilt I wanted to make, and waited for instructions about my partner who I'd be making it for!

I was hoping to get a social media hog like myself, so I would be able to stalk his/her accounts in all forms, but alas, I only had one social media site to stalk, and even then - did not get much to go on!  The only clues I got was via my information email which stated they liked amongst other things "muted colours" and a handful of designers, including Tula Pink.  With that little snippet of insight on hand, I raided my stash.  I completely forgot I had a bundle of Acacia hidden amongst the shelves, so that was a little jackpot in itself!  This was as "muted" as my colour palette gets.  And the rest, as they say, is now history.....

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap 

The pattern I planned to use was perfect!  Quilt Jane's Nested Churndash is an awesome pattern, and is so super duper easy it's not even funny!  You can buy it HERE!

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap 

I wanted the perfect little fussy cut for the centre block, so ripped open my Foxfield charm packs and found this little bunny!  Fabulous!  And even better, both fabric lines go perfectly together!  Winning!

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap 

My partner also likes Low Volume prints, bonus.

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap 

A little Tula Prince Charming for the back, and I was done!

Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap 

I chose a fairly simple quilting pattern - just some straight lines going around in "circles" from the centre.  I used a variegated 40wt Aurifil thread - grey #4670.

Dear swap partner. .... I am NOT a hand sewing pro! But I just did my first ever blanket stitch...... and whilst it's far from perfect and took me forever, it was done with love! This will be on its way tomorrow!  #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquilt

And in breaking news - I HAND SEWED A QUILT LABEL ON!!!!  Yes, I had to google how to do a blanket stitch by hand.  And yes, I had to continually watch the You Tube video as I sewed.  And no, it's not perfect!  BUT - I was quite chuffed and proud of myself.....

A bit of sustenance for my partner!  #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend on its way now!

And on Monday, these yummy little treats were wrapped up with the little mini and sent far far away across the sea!  I am hoping and praying that my partner likes what I have done, and likes the Aussie treats I've included.

Now - on to the other exciting part of this swap.....

My Received Gift from Tara 

Yesterday, a package of amazing-ness was delivered to my doorstep!!!!  After I finished hyperventilating and Instagramming my excitement, I took a photo for you all!  My fabulous secret partner was Tara in Brisbane.  Now Tara has gone way beyond any of my expectations and packed a box FULL of everything quintessentially ME.  Either I sent my personal information way too in depth to the organisers, or Tara has successfully managed to stalk all of my social media and find out everything I love in life?  I'm guessing the second is more correct.....

My Received Gift from Tara 

A mini Swoon quilt made with Anna maria Horner prints - I die.  Uh-mazing Valori Wells fat quarters - I die again.  Mint Lindt......Stopped breathing.  AND a freakin tea cup and tea - I'm gone.  Seriously - SOOOO generous and SOOOOO nailed it.

My Received Gift from Tara

Oh, and can't leave the back out of the limelight!  I need to get to Bunnings for some dowel - as I've found THE perfect little spot on my wall!

I feel so completely overwhelmed with Tara's generosity, and so thankful that once again, the handmade community has shown just how wonderful it is!  So - next time you see a sign up for a swap you might like to join - DO IT!  You may just make a new friend - or 10!

schniztel & boo Mini Quilt Swap, round 1


  1. so much awesome Melissa! LOVE your nested churn dash in all the Tula's, and the bunny fussy cut is perfection. Great little pile of goodies too. And I love that Tara's mini was for you, what a gorgeous mini and a lovely package of goodies. Tara is in our brand new Brisbane MQG - we're sharing the secretary role, wahoo!

  2. Oh I love the little bunny! So perfect! And wow! That swoon quilt is gorgeous!!

  3. I totally love the quilt you did for your partner,
    Tara sent you so many awesome things, those teacup is to die for, I love tea and the mini swoon is so adorable

  4. Oh. My. Goodness! Two absolutely darling minis and an abundance of goodies on the side! How wonderful!

  5. Both mini quilts are just gorgeous. Enjoy all your treats, Midge!

  6. You certainly hit the jackpot! Your mini is gorgeous also. Great job.

  7. That fussy cut bunny is perfect!

    I love your mini too. Swoon + AMH = AWESOME.

    I didn't participate in the swap but it's been fun watching people I follow make them!


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