
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sewvivor - Ms Midge - Melissa G

Family Ever After have launched their third SEWVIVOR series, and this season is the Quilter's Edition.  Ahuh!  

It has taken me a couple of weeks to work up the courage to write this post and throw my hat in the ring, but here I am.....

I LOVE a good challenge!  I love being thrown a curve-ball or a quilt-ball shall we say.....  I have been told I am a "quilt-churner" or prolific quilt maker, and have on many occasions whipped together a quilt in a day.  So, I think if the judges were to throw in a Survivor like challenge of say, eating a kilo of chocolate whilst winding a bobbin and burying threads - I'd say I could manage that!

So, if you will, read this post with the background sound of Destiny's Child and Beyonce, belting out:

"I'm a survivor, I'm not gon give up, I'm not gon stop, I'm gon work harder; I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it, I will survive, keep on survivin"........

The Quilt I have chosen for this auspicious occasion is my Butterfly Bloom Bloom Quilt.  Some of you who have been around here for a while may very well remember it?  I finished it over a year ago, as a gift for my daughter Chelsea.  When I was debating which quilt to enter, I ummed and ahhed, but then took in to account what the Sewvivor rules tell me:

         "Be sure it is your best representation of you, your sewing skills, and your                                                                                        creativity!"


Although I have "grown" as a quilter in the past twelve months, I feel this quilt represents the beginning of a real LOVE for quilting and the entire quilting process.  This was my first quilt-along (with Lee from Freshly Pieced) and it challenged me in ways I did not even think possible!  It was the first time I'd thought, really thought, about fabric selection and the way it can change the look of a block.  I mean, who knew there were low and high volume fabrics?  And tones???  I almost gave up before I even began!


It was the quilt I really got the hang of free motion quilting on!  


I had a ball adding in words and butterflies.....


I also went to town piecing the back.


It was also the first time I appliqued scraps of fabric to a quilt.


 And lastly - it taught me all about the importance of precise cutting and piecing!

So - there you have it!  Consider my hat thrown!  I'm looking forward to watching Sewvivor unfold - regardless of whether I'm in it or not - I will be sewing along!


  1. I love the quilt you have choosen for the competition, so beautiful,
    first I thought I try my luck too, but my problem is the schedule Im on vacation the first 2 august weeks.

  2. Ohhh such a pretty quilt.

    Good luck!! I hope there's no bug eating ;)

  3. I do love your work. It's always beautiful. .

  4. Gorgeous quilt. I had not seen it before, so loved your walk through.

  5. Beautiful quilt Ms Midge :) best of luck my friend x

  6. Love your quilt and especially your creative backing! Good luck!

  7. What a Great Quilt! Love the story behind it just as much as looking at it!! Beautiful

  8. very nice quilting, and I love how your added the name and the butterfly, very nice!!

  9. go, Midge, go!! I will be rooting for you!!

  10. Beautiful! I hope you get in, can't wait to see what you come up with during the Challenges.

  11. i love this pattern! totally adding it to my pinterest :)
    best of luck to you in the auditions!

  12. Love this! Such a fun pattern and the fabrics you picked work so beautifully with it! Good luck!

  13. So much wonderful goodness in this quilt! The pieced back is fabulous! Best, Kate

  14. Well I certainly remember this quilt, because I participated in that quilt along too and I always adored your version! I'm actually quilting mine right now! Good luck, I would love to follow along with you if you are chosen!


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