
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sewing Along With Sewvivor - Nautical Challenge

Once I got over the pain and devastation of not being voted on to the island, I had to re-group and decide what to do. I'd already started my Nautical Challenge piece, but sort of just wanted to fold it up and put it away forever!  Instead, I pulled it out and got on with the job.  And today, well, I finished it!

Sewvivor Sew Along - Nautical Challenge

When nautical came to mind, I thought of the sea (derrrrr), and instantly started searching for a Mariner's Compass.  My husband has three nautical stars tattooed on to his forearm representing our three children together!  I could not find one I loved, so I went to my fabulous friend Kristy over at Quiet Play and asked if she could come up with something fabulous for me?  She came to the party!

Sewvivor Sew Along - Nautical Challenge

I ummed and ahhed over fabric selection, wanting it to be strong and definite in its purpose, but also not wanting it to be predictably nautical in its colours.  I think the newsprint works very well as a background too.

Sewvivor Sew Along - Nautical Challenge 

Next step was attacking my blue and green stash.  I have plenty of both, but not many that are bigger than fat quarters!  I took my improvised curve cutting skills and worked it baby.  Every single row of colour is cut differently, and very improvised indeed!  I wanted the colours to work together but also against each other if that makes sense?  Like all the different currents in the ocean.  I did all the blue rows first, then had to figure out how to work around the compass block.  I used shorter lengths of fabric, improv curved them, then slashed them in half.  Curve cut the sides of the PP block and attached the side curves, then did the same with the top and bottom.  Phew.

Sewvivor Sew Along - Nautical Challenge

The quilting was quite fun. Lots and lots and LOTS of free motion wavey lines!  There is one section of waves on the aqua pebble fabric and there are some little pebbles in between the lines in sections.  I used a range of Aurifil threads in blue and green.  And of course, some hot pink for the stars.

Sewvivor Sew Along - Nautical Challenge

The final steps were completed today.  The Southern Cross.  I hand cut out all these little stars, which range in size from around 2" across to that teeny little one in the middle of the five point star, which is about 1/2"!  They have been attached using Vlisoflex and then appliqued on with my free motion foot.  I then attached the hanging sleeve and binding - Finished!

Sewvivor Sew-along

I was quite out of love with this a week ago.  But today is a different story.  I know we all second guess ourselves in our artistic efforts, and we are forever comparing ourselves - but finishing this was a great confidence booster for me.  The vision I had at the beginning, of the finished product, actually worked!

I'm still undecided what I will do with this little baby.  I had thought of perhaps sending it off to a friend whose husband is in the Navy, but am unsure whether hanging a quilt in her home would be her "thing"!  So I'll just think a bit longer.  The best part about finishing it?  When I showed it to my husband tonight, he really liked it and used the words "wow" and "cool".  Pick me up off the floor......

A few little stats for you:

Size - 34" x 34"
Fabrics - All from my stash, binding is leftover Horizon jelly roll strips.
Thread - Aurifil , Aurifil and Aurifil
Backing - Ikea print

Now - if you want to go and back some sure favourites in the "real" Sewvivor challenge - then you best head over to Family Ever After.  And if you are an Aussie like me - then you best be voting for my two friends - Angie and Crystal!  Their entries are fabulous!  GO!


  1. I love this. LOVE IT! I don't think I'm over the devastation of not having you on the island yet...

    I adore the mariners compass and that's largely in part to the fabrics, colour and unexpectedness of the newsprint. I'm a sucker for a Southern Cross so you had me at South...

    It's fabulous - I hope you enter it into the sewalong! (There's prizes!)

    Thanks for the plug and the support - means a lot!

  2. It's magnificent. I really love the fabrics you used, the newprint works wonderfully behind the stars and the quilting really gives it great movement. A really stunning piece.

  3. It's fantastic! I love the curvy effect all around the mariners cross and the addition of the southern cross is perfect! Scrappy binding finishes it really well - I'd keep it!

  4. Well, I didn't make it to the island either but I'm so glad you completed this quilt. I just really like it a lot. I like the striking compass against the soft blues and greens and I course, I love the text print. Great job!

  5. It's just lovely and i reckon it's a real work of art! It gets my vote! Inspires me to dig into my stash and make some mariners compass!

  6. I love this quilt. The newsprint is perfect for the background.

  7. Well midge, you've done it again!! Absolutely amaizing! I love what you've done!

    1. Thanks Deb! You're still a no-reply blogger! I need to give you a lesson! x

  8. Looks fabulous - love the colours you have used. Well done.

  9. LOVE this! You should SO be on the island!

  10. I LOVE it! They made a big mistake! HUGE!

  11. it is so brilliant - of course you should have been on the island xx

  12. This is amazing! Good on you for seeing your vision through.

  13. Well no matter that you got voted off the island I do love this. Nicely done.

  14. this is really fabulous Midge - so pleased that you decided to keep going and made such a "wow awesomely cool" quilt !

  15. I'm with your hubby ... it's very cool! Love the southern cross :)


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