
Monday, November 24, 2014

Fast & Furious

The Festival of Forties has literally taken over my life these past few weeks......My best friends and I are all turning 40 over the next 12 months, and the first two are now done and dusted!  So between parties, Cuban Jazz Festivals and a WHOLE weekend child free in Sydney - there hasn't been much sewing getting done!  I've also been very blessed with the company of another best friend, who arrived here on Friday for a long weekend with us!

Anyway...... Monday last week, I drove down to the local Officeworks and got myself some old school supplies and sat down to draw up the idea for my Quiltcon Challenge quilt, that had been rolling around in my head for weeks!

So I just went to officeworks and bought a grid book and supplies because I really need to pull my finger out and get my #quiltconchallenge quilt designed and finished by the end of this month! #thiswillbeinteresting #canidoit also had a lovely chat with

Can you believe I had never used grid paper to design a quilt??  It was very cathartic.

And we have a start! #quiltconchallenge 

The next morning, I put that plan in to action.  Using very basic math, I made a tonne (OK, not a tonne, but lots) of teeny little snowball blocks, and then set about trying to make the before-mentioned "pattern" work.

I did it! My #quiltconchallenge top is done! Now I just need to baste, quilt and bind it! #graphpaperisthebomb #pastelisthenewblack @michaelmillerfabrics 

It was no easy feat, but I did it.  It's a lovely little splatter of pastels.......something I never thought I would ever say about a quilt I'd designed and made.  But yes, I did.

This could break all records here for quick quilt finishes! Just need time to quilt now! #quiltconchallenge 

It is currently basted, rolled up and patiently awaiting quilting.  Which will hopefully happen tomorrow.  Because it's the only day I have between now and the end of November - when this little creation is due for submission!  Another thing I never thought I would ever do!

So - there you have it.  I've almost finished my first ever Quiltcon Challenge quilt!  Watch this space.....


  1. Well done, amazing what we can fit in even if we think the day is busy :)

  2. The glimpses make me think a little of the light sparkles in all of Serena's (Sew Giving) photos. She has a stained glass something that catches the light beautifully (like this:, and your little pastel snowballs make me think of a similar effect.

  3. Really like the pastels with the grey, hard to imagine pastels being sparkly but it does work!

  4. We in the 50's are looking back at you :) Enjoy your 40's, all in all they're pretty good~love your design too :)

  5. Love this for sure! That pastel/gray color choice is so soothing. You go girlfriend.

  6. It looks like an interesting design and lovely colour palette.

  7. Looks beautiful already, looking forward to seeing it all finished! Congrats on entering the challenge!

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