
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Anna Maria Horner Aussie Charm Swap - Limited Spots Left! (Edit: all spots taken!)

EDIT - All spots are now filled!  Thanks everyone! x

Good Thursday to everyone!  I have a little old favour to ask - There are SEVEN spots left in the AMH Aussie Charm Swap.  I have shared myself silly and would love to fill these last spots to give my swappers a full swap!

If you were on the fence about joining, or know someone who love AMH as much as Me, then head on over to the Facebook Group and/or shoot me an email - which you can do by clicking on one of the bright pink icons over there to the right of this post >>>>>


There are some absolutely STUNNING fabrics included in this swap, and if you're wondering what on earth you can make with charm packs, well, you just have to pop over to my group Pinterest board to see the endless ideas!

So, there you have it!  I'm actually begging!!  You can find ALL the details about what happens with a Charm Swap on this post HERE.

Have a fabulous day! xxx

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Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx