
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year - Reflections on 2014

Welcome to 2015!  Crazy isn't it?  I feel like last year went past in a blur and I'm left sitting here, in the first week of January, wondering what happened?  I did sit down before Christmas and update my Quilting Projects for 2014 page on the blog, so if you want to see the 18 quilts and some of the other goodies I made, head over HERE.

We have had a lovely break over Christmas, heading up to The Murray River for five days of relaxation with friends...

Yarrawonga at dusk.
The Murray at work.....
I spent a fair bit of time lately wondering where I was going to let 2015 take me?  Because I feel like 2014 was quite crazy, and I didn't plan things well, and I guess that's how I ended up stressed out and somehow contracting the RASH FROM HELL!  In the lead up to the skin virus, I'd had cysts on my eye, mouth full of ulcers and was literally just run down.  I am making a concerted effort NOT to let life get the better of me this year, starting with looking after myself.  This began with lovely 10km walks with one of my best friends whilst on holidays, and I'm happy to say, has continued since returning home - with daily 6km walks around our local area.  I've also started taking a bunch of vitamins and supplements too.  Which I suck at remembering to do, but am trying!

I turned my sewing machine on a couple of days ago, for the first time since just before Christmas.  I had my December bee block to get done, and was happy to tick that off my remaining things to do.  But as I sat in my little sewing room, I wondered what to do next?  I have so much "stuff" in that room - fabric, notions, wip's, finished quilts, blah blah blah.  And it's all a little overwhelming.  I've said before that I am not a "list" kind of girl, but I'm thinking I really need to write down what I want to achieve.  I read Angie's Must Make List for 2015 yesterday, and felt compelled to make one for myself.  But still haven't!

So, where does that leave me?  Lots of babbling and no real plan.  My quilty new year's resolution (which I shared in the current issue of Make Modern magazine) is to slow down.  Stop rushing around, and rushing in to projects.  This is easier said than done - for me - as it's how I naturally go about life.  But these are just a few things I've signed up for this year, and have plans to do.....

**  Artistic Licence Bee with Melbourne MQG (January is my month!)
**  Aussie Charm Swaps - I hope to run at least four this year.  The first one is in planning stages,   and I've opened a FB Group for all interested.  So if you're an Aussie or Kiwi, feel free to join.
**  Hazel Hedgehog QAL with Gnome Angel
**  Charm Dash Blog Hop - Coming in March, so get our your charm packs!
**  Write up pattern for Confetti Cannon and decide how/where to publish/sell it
**  The Bee Hive with Blossom Heart Quilts - Get all the details HERE.  My month is November!
**  Make 3 more 40th quilts for my BFF's - and maybe fit one in for myself!
**  Continue writing my column for Make Modern magazine

On top of all of the above, I have a few custom order quilts already being planned and would really like to build my Aurifil business up.

Phew.  I guess I've just started a list!?!

Right.  Back to sewing.  I've just pulled this out of my WIP pile.....

Just pulled out my favourite wip from last year! #mustfinish #waterfrontpark

It is my favourite WIP from 2014, and I want to get it finished.  So that's my starting point for this year.....wish me luck!


  1. For a lady who doesn't like to make a list that's a heck of a list. Can't wait to see you cross things off there and add more over the year. It's been a pleasure and a privilege to see and share in your work this past year. Can't wait to do another one with you! <3

  2. Wishing you a happy and HEALTHY year! I think slowing down is a good idea. I write monthly targets, that I try to keep realistic so that I can manage my time and not feel overwhelmed. That way it makes things more manageable and it's so satisfying when I (mostly!) achieve them!! Good luck and that WIP is gorgeous!

  3. I posted about your Charm Dash pattern and hop today. Lots of links back to your blog/pattern.

  4. I'd like to finish more this year, I keep starting and not getting the final stitch in much - you'll be busy even slowing down with this list but exciting stuff all the same!

  5. I totally get how you feel. Just looking at my sewing table after holidays has me feeling overwhelmed and no idea where to start! Let me know when you next go to a Melbourne MQG meet up, I'd love to come. xx

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Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx