
Monday, February 16, 2015

MOVING ON UP - Important if you want to keep reading my blog!


This is a very quick blog post for you all.  I have finally made the big jump over to my old self-hosted website!  It's a much prettier and simpler place to hang out, and although it's still a work in progress - I love it!  I hope you'll love it too!

But for now - I need to direct you all over there - 

If you are typing that address in to your search bar and you still land straight back to this blogspot page, then you will need to clear the cache on your computer.  I had to do that!  

I am working on getting my new site switched over on Bloglovin, so if you follow me via there, please bare with me!

Thanks so much!!!

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx