
WHO IS Ms Midge?

Hello Loyal Readers, 

I’ve taken over the about page of Ms Midge because I believe it’s time to share with the world the real Midge. 

Many have tried to understand and unravel the mystery that is the “Midge” but few have succeeded.  I have managed to cobble together some of the facts, the rumours and the just plain ludicrous.  In much the same style of wikipedia I’ve collated everything for your edification and mortification.

Born under the squall of a tropical storm in the wee hours of a 1975 day in the Land of Queens Ms Midge entered the world.  The trouble started from the moment she took her first breath and gave the doctor a saucy wink.  

Rumours abounded about Ms Midge’s childhood years. There’s whispers of time spent at Space Camp and a brief stint at Eton, but the only thing we can confirm is that she started sewing early on. We just can’t confirm if that happened while she was apprenticing to Alexander McQueen or at the knee of her beloved Mother.

She’s been linked to many famous men over the 90’s and early 00’s. There was the fiery, but brief, romance with Michael Hutchence.  This lead to the singer turning to another blonde pint-sized Aussie to console himself when Midge left him for an actor starting his career in Roseanne. It was Midge who encouraged this small famed actor to audition for a role on ER. The romance ended with Midge leaving him for a high ranking Politician with a passion for cigars. Some say this is the reason he refuses to settle. 

In the mid-90’s she decided to throw it all away and pursue a career in the cut throat world of interpretive dance. She was close to taking the crown in a very toddler and tiara-esque moment when she tore her gluteus maximus in a scene that had officials running for the white screen.   Some have questioned whether there was a Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding type incident involving the young Paula Adbul, but to this day the reports on this incident are sealed.

With her career in tatters she turned to the only thing that could bring her happiness; fabric. 

She took her frown, turned it upside down and then made it a nice romper and a lovely quilt.  People saw the therapeutic effect of the Midge and decided they’d like a little piece of this for themselves and a business was born. 

In the preceding years she’s become a world leader on HST’s and is frequently asked to consult on problem seams for the Australian Government.  Her flare for fabric, which some attribute to her early years with McQueen, and her never-say-die attitude, which some attribute to her time in the Navy Seals, has seen her become a darling of the Australian and International quilting community.  

She’s settled down and married a man whom she adores. He is unaware of the history he lives with, but we’re sure there’ll be a “Long Kiss Goodnight” type of awakening one day… in the meantime we encourage him to stay out of the kitchen.  Together they have 4 children; all of them display rare talents and qualities that they have obviously picked up from their mother.

With her passion ignited and the world now her oysters kilpatrick she strives to share that passion, and her saucy wink, with the rest of the internet and thus was created: 

The rest, as they say, has been expunged.  

I give you the myth, the legend, the Queen Bee - Ms Midge!

**** Thank You Angie aka Gnome Angel for the bio. xx


  1. I like your honesty. Very refreshing indeed.

  2. Hiya, it's lovely to learn more about you and it's so great that you got into quilting - no looking back now!

  3. Lovely! Being a new quilter myself at the ripe old age of 53 (been quilting for 3 weeks!) hooked already, and I wonder at why I waited so long!

  4. Ah yes! I thought I knew you from somewhere ...

  5. Would you share your pattern/s for the London Calling quilt? I just visited London(& UK) for the third time and would love to be able to make this quilt!


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