
Thursday, October 15, 2009

About getting older....

Good afternoon! After a burst of energy after my debut here on blogspot, I felt the need to sit back and wait until I had something really worthy of actually putting to words. So this is it!

At a ripe old 34 and a half years of age, I am now coming to the point in my life where I am (gasp) feeling old! I have been fighting these thoughts for quite some time, because logically, I know I'm not old. Old is when you don't work anymore, your kids have grown up and left home, you have a plethera of pills to accompany your breakfast each morning - just so you can function. Old is when you fart and don't realise, your body just doesn't function like it used to. I KNOW I'm not old - but gees, I feel it!

Part of the reason I try not to have these thoughts, or actually say them out loud, is because my gorgeous husband is a whole four and a half years younger than me. He is turning 30 in December, and I truly think this is why I'm thinking and feeling older more often! When I met him, he was a young 21 year old 'boy'- I was a 26 year old, divorced mother of a three year old! So the years have flown by, and amazingly, we have now been together for almost eight years.

I have been re-arranging photo frames, in the anticipation that I will actually sort them out and get them all hung on the huge wall in our back room. And as I go through old photographs, it occurs to me that I look different......I am actually starting to look like someone who has had a life, and has experienced life for all of its ups and downs. I look in the mirror every morning, and I really do wonder where that young girl went? At what stage did I start to get wrinkles? They just creep onto your face when you're not looking!

In saying all of this, I must also add that I think I'm looking pretty good - for a mother of four! I said exactly the same thing Saturday night. We were at my husband's cousin's 21st birthday party. I had seriously never seen so many short dresses in all of my life! But I was glammed up, and had my all important LBD on, and made the above statement. But then, just as quickly, followed it up with ''actually, I look pretty good full stop''!! Why did I always add the ''for a mother of four'' to the end of such statements? Why do we always label ourselves? Hmmm.....

Anyway, I'm certainly feeling all of my 34 years of age. I am trying even more so to stop feeling older!

My quote of the day - ''You're only as old as the man you're feeling''. Well, in that case, I have a few more months of being 29! Have a great day!

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