
Saturday, October 17, 2009 them

I have just returned home from a friend's five year old daughter's birthday party at MacDonalds! What a hoot! I don't know what it is about children's birthday parties that I most enjoy - the children having fun, or catching up with my friends? Gee, that was hard - I lurve catching up with my friends!

I have had a couple of my best friend's birthday in the last week, and have thoroughly enjoyed trawling through card shops trying to find the perfect birthday greeting for them. I stood in ''Wrappings'' last night with tears in my eyes, reading touching verses on beautifully decorated pieces of card. I could literally spend an hour looking for the perfect one, but as per usual, was dictated by time (or lack thereof) so did some speed reading and picked a card I kept gravitating back to! Last night's purchase was for the mum of today's birthday girl, so it was with much pleasure I handed it over, with a gorgeous little magnet featuring a photo of a cheeky little girl with the words ''Love ya!'' on it. It is a greeting I use in all forms - written and spoken word, on a regular basis.

I am so very lucky to have such a wonderful and diverse group of friends in my life. The birthday girl of the moment, is a beautiful soul I met when I first moved to Melbourne 19 years ago. We were in year 10, and she has been an important person in my life ever since. She has been there through every good and bad time, as well as some pretty hilarious ones!

Another very wise friend of mine, whom I met through first mother's group, said to me one day ''friendships evolve'', and I couldn't have ever imagined she would be so right! I do not have just one 'best friend', but many, who all have different and wonderful qualities which make them all uniquely special. Some friendships have mellowed with age (funnily enough, we haven't though) and others are just getting better and better. My Mother has always said to me that I am extremely lucky to have some long lasting and enduring friendships. I am still very close with a handful of girls I met in grade one, and hope to keep it that way til the end of my days.

Today has brought me much happiness, because I could sit back with three very beautiful friends, and watch as our children laughed (and cried) whilst still managing to get a good gossip and catch up in also! I think my Mum was right - I am very lucky.

Quote for today - ''A girlfriend is a sister you choose'' very true, I have so many sisters.

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