
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Belated Gratefulness - Day nine!

Please forgive me......I was lying awake in bed at 5.30 this morning (due to being woken by youngest child) and thought s#it!!! I wasn't grateful last night! here I am, albeit 14 hours late!

The things I was most grateful for yesterday were:

1. I was grateful for the fact that even though my eldest son lives with his Dad 3/4 of the time, I can still work out, over the phone, if something is bothering him. He called me last night to work out what we were doing this weekend, and half way in to the conversation I asked him if he was ok, he sounded a bit flat. Took a minute or so, but he eventually spilled that he was in fact a bit upset, and he would fill me in on the weekend. He had had a fight with his best mate. So although I was upset for him, I was also a teeny bit happy to know that I still have a great connection with him.

2. I was grateful for all the smiles, hugs and kisses I got from my children. They were all a little moochy yesterday, which was absolutely delightful!

3. I was really grateful for a great conversation, and a good listener. Sometimes, all it takes is someone to really hear you. Not just to listen, but to hear you. It was much appreciated.

I have been doing a lot of soul-searching and positive thinking of late, and feel so much better for it! It helps that I have a few like-minded thinkers on Facebook who share their favourite quotes. Here is one I read and loved this morning - "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly."

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