
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To be Grateful - Day ten...

I have been counting down the sleeps until my big boy and I get on a jet plane and head to the Gold Coast. Only nine sleeps to go! I haven't been this excited about a trip for quite some time. I think it may have something to do with seeing the majority of the girls I grew up with, catching up with my beautiful god-daughter, meeting my friend's gorgeous baby boy and of course, spending some well earnt time with Lochie. It will be a jam packed five days, but is just what I need at present. A good break. Having said all of that, here is today's entry in my gratitude journal:

1. I was grateful this morning at school drop off, when the Mum of one of Chelsea's friends shared a conversation she had recently had with her daughter. She said that after a recent sleep over her daughter had at our home, she told her Mum that she thought Chelsea was a really good friend. When asked why, she said that Chelsea never gets grumpy with her, and is always kind and nice. Her Mum said I should be proud. Well, I literally burst with pride and was once again very grateful to have such a beautiful daughter, who it seems is a very thoughtful and caring little girl.

2. I am ever so grateful to the 20-something girl working in the clothing store I walked in to this morning. I was on the verge of giving up finding something to wear to the above mentioned baby boy's christening, when she offered to help. To cut a long story short, she managed to help me very well! I left there feeling great, with two cute and groovy outfits and my confidence sky high. Well done young lady - you're a credit to your employer!

3. I am grateful that Andrew is home tonight. He has been at Uni the past five nights, and I am literally at breaking point. As soon as I have shown my gratitude here, I am going to cuddle up with him on the couch and watch some tv. I will make the most of it - he flies out first thing tomorrow morning for 48 hours!

And on that note - I hope you all have a great evening!

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