
Sunday, July 11, 2010


At the ripe old age of 35, I have reached what I would call a Milestone in my life! I am finally "ok" with the reality that I will never be pregnant again, therefore will not be having any more babies...

Since having my surgery in December, I have wondered on a few occasions how I would react to any of my close friends telling me their good news - a pregnancy. Well, it is with great joy and relief that I can say - it's all good! I have a couple of very good friends who have given me their wonderful news, and I have been nothing short of ecstatic for them! And to top it all off, today whilst at the shopping centre with my family, I saw a heavily pregnant woman and said to my hubby "Oh, I so don't miss that"!

The reason I am so pleased with this milestone is that I never truly believed I would ever be ready to say "no more babies". Instead, I am now ready to say "bring on the babies"! Just somebody else's!

This comes with perfect timing, as my littlest treasure is about to reach her own milestone - her second birthday. No longer is my baby a baby, she is now a little girl. And whilst this brings a slight feeling of sadness, it also brings an incredible amount of joy and pleasure. As each day goes by, Chloe is giving each and every one of us in our family more to laugh about. She is a joyful child, and so very smart and full of fun! The fact I can understand full sentences tells me we are heading in to another beautiful stage of her life and I can't wait to see what sort of a little girl she will grow in to.

My quote for today is for those of you who have special little girls in your lives - "The most important gift anyone can give a girl is a belief in her own power as an individual, her value without reference to gender, her respect as a person with potential".
-- Emilie Buchwald

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