
Saturday, July 17, 2010

No More Drama

Last night I was thinking about all the drama that has been a part of my life. It doesn't matter what I have or haven't done, it just doesn't seem to end.

My earliest memory of drama entering the arena was when I was about ten years old. My parents sat us kids down and told us Mum was going away for a while....for a break. It was just going to be my brother, sister and myself, and my Dad. I will never forget that morning - we had just farewelled two hockey playing girls who had stayed with us whilst playing in a tournament. So I found it kind of strange that one minute we were all playing "happy family" and the next, my family was falling apart.

Mum returned from her "break", but from that day onwards, I guess you could say it pretty much snow-balled. The next couple of years we went from living very comfortably, in a home proudly built by my plumber Father, to renting from a family friend, until finally my Mum and Dad called it quits. Dad moved out and in to a caravan park, and we saw him on and off for a while. Mum met my Step-dad a little while later, and he moved in. A year or so after that, my older sister moved out, and we moved in to a cramped caravan and called it home.

A couple of years later, we made the journey to Melbourne. A fresh start. A new beginning. Probably the best decision my parents ever made. Unfortunately the drama didn't end there. Melbourne was a double-edged sword. I had the fresh start, the new beginning, but this move ended up costing me 15 years of my relationship with my Father. Although it didn't really worry me at the time (I had a brilliant Step-dad), on reflection, I feel sad that my Dad didn't know me during those years. I am, however, very grateful that he decided after 15 years to call me out of the blue, and make a conserted effort to get to know both myself and my family.

So that was the start of the drama......I would be here for the next month if I were to detail every other chapter since, so I won't bore you! Let's just say there have been ups and downs with siblings and a marriage gone wrong - which thankfully led to a marriage so very, very right. Custody issues, births, deaths and marriages. I am now lucky enough to be able to say that I have what I think is a brilliant life, filled with love, joy and above all else - contentment. So last night I decided - no more drama! It made me think of a wonderful song by the divine Ms Mary J Blige.">

I really would like to think that my new mantra of "no more drama" really does mean an end to it - but I am old enough and wise enough to know better. I am also determined enough to do my best to avoid any more drama, so that is what I am going to try to do!

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