
Sunday, July 25, 2010

To be Grateful - Day seven

Yay for me! I have kept my word and made it through the first week of my gratitude journal! The past seven days have been really interesting, and has made me really think about what I do on a day to day basis, and how the things I do and the people I spend my time with really do shape the way I feel.

On to today's entry:

1. I am grateful I took the time a couple of months ago to go down to Brighton Beach on a cold and windy day, and have professional photos taken of our family. I spent a couple of hours this weekend finally getting around to making decisions on which shots I wanted to get copies of and framed to put on the big wall in my back room - which has been waiting patiently for years to be covered in frames! I said to my husband tonight, I pity our poor descendants who will have the task of going through the mountains of photos and picture frames when we are no longer here...but I am also glad that they will have an endless supply of memories in print.

2. I am grateful that some genius invented gumboots! Another crazy thing to be grateful for, but given the fact I had to take three children to football training this morning, and was greeted by a mass quagmire - otherwise known as a football field, I was more than happy that the kids had gumboots!

3. I am really grateful that Andrew got an early mark from his University classes today. It meant we were able to sit down and watch the Masterchef Grand Final tonight on television! It is one of the rare tv shows we actually sit together and watch, so it made for an extra special night in on the couch!

I am sharing another quote today - "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" A certain someone posed this question to me a few days ago, and I came to the conclusion that I really just want to be happy. Sometimes, no matter how right you think you are, it's not worth the fight. So just like the song says "Don't worry, be happy!" Nighty-night!

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