
Saturday, July 24, 2010

To be Grateful - Day six

Another busy weekend in this's schedule entailed leaving the house by 8.30am to pick up my eldest son from his Dad's, then straight to basketball for Chelsea to play. Back home for an hour, then off to a birthday party for one of Cadyn's friends. Home again for a couple of hours (enough time for Chloe to have a sleep) and then back in the car and take Lochie up to his mate's house for a sleepover! From there, the other kids and I headed to a shopping centre - stupidly - to rush around for an hour amongst ridiculous crowds! I am now enjoying a little peace after the kids have been tucked in to bed. So my gratitude starts now:

1. Today I am ever so grateful that Chelsea is developing a "thick skin". She had her first B grade game of basketball this morning and was really being niggled by an opposition player. The frustration was very clear on her face, but she just held her cool and continued to play. I thought this was pretty good for a seven year old!

2. I am grateful beyond gratefulness for technology! Tonight I was able to log in to a store's gift registry in London and place an order for one of my nearest and dearest friends who is getting married. Even though the website crashed and caused me a little grief, it led me to the phone and I called through the order instead. Following that I also had a quick chat with said friend on Skype. So a big heart-felt thank you to the I.T. "geeks" of the world who have made our lives so much easier!

3. I am grateful to have spent the day with my eldest son today. He lives with his Dad most of the time, but decided he would like to come over today, even though it was not the usual weekend he would spend with us. We didn't do anything overly special, but being able to spend some time with him, albeit arguing about a bloody Wii game for part of the day, was really lovely.

And that is it for this evening. I am now off to park myself on the couch, and find a good movie to settle in to. I hope you all have a lovely evening too!

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