
Friday, August 13, 2010

To be Grateful - day Twenty-six...

Good evening.....well, good for some. One word - migraine. Definition - a throbbing headache usually affecting only one side of the head and commonly accompanied by nausea and visual disturbances. Throbbing - check. Visual disturbances - check. It still amazes me that after suffering migraine headaches for about seven years, I still don't make the connection? I was in a shop this afternoon when I started to get strange lights and swirling on one of my eyes. Didn't think much of it until - BANG - an hour later at work, the throbbing began! So I stuck it out a few more hours before finally surrendering and heading home early. So I am certainly not grateful for migraines....

1. What I am grateful for are the over the counter drugs that seem to take the edge off the pain I feel in my head. Once again, modern medicine has come to the rescue. Thank you dear scientists....

2. I am grateful I was able to take my mother-in-law out for lunch today. It was her birthday, and given that she does so very much for us and our children, being able to pay for a nice lunch and have a chat was quite lovely indeed. I also reiterated to her how much we all apreciate her help!

3. I am grateful my eldest son has been accepted in to the secondary school of our choice. Here in Melbourne, you are given a form to fill out with your top two preferences for schools. You have automatic entry in to your closest school. If your preferences are out of your zoned area, you have to then submit a special letter to the school outlining why you wish your child to attend. Our forms were lodged in May, and we found out last week that he was successful! This is going to make life so much easier as this school is smack, bang in the middle of both ours and his father's home. And most importantly, it was the school Lachlan most liked (and so did I) and was excited about. So hopefully this is the beginning of a great secondary school experience!

That's it for tonight, my head is literally pounding and I need to get away from the computer screen......good night!

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