
Saturday, August 14, 2010

To be Grateful - Day Twenty-seven...

I have had a most productive day today, given that I had the day off work! Off to basketball for Chelsea this morning, where I discovered she had found her inner biatch......something I'm not sure whether to be proud of or not? You see, since she began playing her first season a matter of months ago, I have been telling one of the other Mums that perhaps Chelsea needed to get in there a bit more, and be a little more aggressive. Well.......I think Chelsea overheard me. She took flight in what I shall now call "kamikaze mode", and made a very amusing sound whilst doing a couple of Jackie Chan moves. To say it amused the crowd at the stadium would be an understatement. It's a very good thing she is a natural performer, because there was no embarassment, and quite frankly, she lapped up the attention! Unfortunately, it did not end with her winning the ball, or the game!

1. I am grateful that we had some wind here in Melbourne today. Added to that, a couple of hours of sunshine, and I was able to get some towels half dried on the clothes line, which then means I only had to use the clothes dryer half the time!

2. I am grateful that Cadyn pointed out to me the buds sprouting on our plum tree in the back yard. This is a wonderful sign that Spring is (hopefully) just around the corner. In Melbourne it is very easy to forget that we have four seasons when Winter seems to go on forever. But days like today put a smile on your face and a little bounce in your step.

3. I am grateful I got to spend a couple of hours on the couch watching a movie with Andrew tonight. This is a rarity these days, so it didn't matter what we were watching. But I must say, "Notorious BIG" was not a bad flick. Albeit all the rappin' and cursin'! It's always strange watching films based on real life events. I found myself saying things like "oh, that must be Lil' Kim?", and "Is that Puff Daddy/Diddy/Sean Coombes?" Ahhhh, memories.....

And with that, it is off to bed for this tired little mumma......

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