
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To be Grateful - Day twenty-three

Oops, I did it again! Have had to skip a few days entries due to soaking up the sun and gathering with beautiful people in what we Aussies call "The Sunshine State" - Queensland. Lachlan and I had to most amazing five days, during which we managed to conquer three theme parks, catch up with lots of friends and just generally caught some down time. So tonight's entry is going to be a mix of the last few days all thrown together.

1. Tonight, I am grateful that I discovered Osteopathy. It took me a while to make an appointment a year ago, but am so glad I did. For those of you unfamiliar, Osteopaths are a mix between a chiropractor, physio and massage therapist. I cannot begin to describe the difference my lovely Osteo has made to my life, just by bringing my body back in to some degree of normalcy after my last pregnancy. And today, I was grateful for healing hands after somehow hurting my neck on an amusement park ride on the weekend. The price we pay for having fun hey?

2. I am grateful beyond words that I decided to take Lachlan with me for a five day holiday. It gave me time for lots of little chats and hugs and kisses, and it was beautiful to see him bond with my god-daughter. It will be a trip I will forever remember and treasure.

3. I am grateful that I woke this morning (after getting home from the airport at 1am) to find a tidy house and children that were happy. In turn, I am grateful that my husband is so bloody wonderful! I have many friends whose husbands simply would not cope with three children whilst they were off galavanting around the country side. But Andrew did a fabulous job, and did not complain once. Another reason why I love him so much!

4. I am adding an extra gratitude entry this evening to make up for all the ones I have missed! I would like to say that above all else, my trip interstate made me grateful to be the person I am. The past few months have led me to doubt who I am as a person, as a friend, and taking the time to get away from my every day life has made me realise and appreciate the woman I am. I have friends and family who would move mountains for me - because they know I would do the same. Being surrounded by women who have known me for pretty much all of my life was wonderful and helped me to forget my doubts and the reasons I had been doubting myself. So it's onwards and upwards - again!

Memories are the most beautiful things we have, and so many new memories were forged this past five days - amongst amazing memories remembered from my childhood. I am truly blessed to live the life I lead.

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