
Thursday, August 5, 2010

To be Grateful - day Eighteen....

I know, I know....I have missed a couple of days! But I promise I have been grateful! I have had so much on that it completely slipped my mind, but I am making up by logging on and showing my gratefulness from a different state. That's right - I landed on the Gold Coast this morning! So I shall begin tonight's entry...

1. Well of course, I am very grateful that I am back in the mother land.....aka, Queensland! I spent my first 15 years on the Gold Coast, born and bred "skeg". Driving through my old home town this afternoon has brought back so many wonderful childhood memories, and also made me extremely grateful for the great upbringing I had. I drove down the street I lived in for a few of the best years of my life, and got a little bit teary - not from sadness, but from the joy I have had from the lasting memories and friendships that were made whilst living there.

2. I am grateful that Lochie, my eldest son, is a grateful child. His excitement last night and this morning about the impending trip up here was lovely. And his un-expected hug and "I love you Mum" on the plane journey was just beautiful.

3. I am grateful that my husband is the kind of man who does not stress about me checking out of home for five days! Instead, he encourages me to go and have a break and makes me feel completely comfortable in the knowledge that the other three children will be more than adequately looked after and fed and watered for the time I am absent!

I will try my best over the following four days to log in and share my gratefulness, but I am warning you that I have a lot on and so many friends and family to catch up with, so the odds are not in my favour!

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