
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oprah's coming to Australia!

I had to rewind The Today Show this morning. Did I really hear that correctly? Oprah is coming to Australia? One toilet stop, breakfast for the kids and a cup of tea and I could listen to it properly.!!! Hooray for small miracles - my good friend is heading Down Under!

Now, how to go about getting tickets to her one and only show, being recorded at the Sydney Opera House, some time later this year? Me thinks it will be a one in a million chance, but I shall give it a crack! Apparently I am going to have to watch her show daily through October to get details on how to gain these "rare as hens's teeth" tickets....what a shame, I so don't think I can do that! Heheheh......

I shall keep you updated on the cause, and will be googling like mad until I get the answers required.

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