
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Forgive me has been 20 days since my last confession.....

Oh dear! I have once again let life in general get in the one of a good post. I am sincerely sorry!

So, what's been happening since my last post? Well, as per usual, my time on this earth never fails in its excitement value. It seems I move on from one "drama" - for want of a better description - to yet another. I won't go in to full detail, but let's just say it has something to do with a certain someone I have referred to in past posts as "the ex-husband"....

What I will say, is that despite this new episode of non-stop action, I have an amazing sense of calm. Which isn't what I had expected. What I find even more amazing, is that I have discovered my wonderful husband is, from this point on, going to be named "my voice of reason". For without his un-wavering support and devotion to the cause - our family - I think I would most definately be a raving lunatic by now!

There have been many other beautiful things going on the last few weeks - my eldest son has found his voice also, but from within. I am so very proud of him. My youngest son is turning six tomorrow, and although at times I really would like to switch his voice off, he really is such a gorgeous and sensitive little soul. Chelsea has shocked us all by displaying her new-found "white line fever". For those of you who have no idea what this is, imagine a delightful little girly-girl, who is a singing, giggling and caring creature. Now imagine that little girl on a basketball court, glaring and growling at the opposition, who dared to knock her over! That, my friends, is white line fever! It is certainly a sight to be seen....

And our youngest in the tribe? Well she has also shocked me, to some extent. In a matter of weeks, I will be working an extra day per week, and Chloe shall be venturing in to the unknown - day care. It is something I thought she would really struggle with. And yes, admittedly, I would struggle even more with! But to my surprise, and much delight, she has taken to it like a duck to water. The day we were looking at the different centres, she was very excited and enjoyed playing. Then last week when we went for a play, or orientation as they call it, I pulled in to the drive way and she said "bye mum!"......ummmmmm, not quite what I had expected!

So yes, it has been a fun filled few weeks, but on reflection, I must say I am still a very grateful Mummy. Life throws us so many twists and turns, but I am finding as I am getting older, I am far more accepting of the ride.

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