
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Konichiwa!'s not morning, but everyone knows Konichiwa is it will have to do for today's Title! And the reason for Japanese? Our student arrived in Melbourne on Wednesday morning, for his two week stay with us! To say it has been interesting, is an understatement....

Our new "son" (yes, I have a 16 year old son I never knew about) is called Yoshiki, and he is the most quiet and shy 16 year old boy I have EVER come across in my entire life! The past 72 hours have been a bit of a struggle for all of us here in our household, but we are doing our darndest to make him feel at home. I can't even imagine how incredibly difficult it would be, landing in a foreign country and staying with complete strangers - all six of us - and not speaking the same language! But he is doing ok....and so are we.

It has made me give a little more thought to the idea of my eldest son travelling to Japan in a few years time, when his school trip will be on. I'm hoping that if he does go, that he gets a family who will bend over backwards to make him comfortable, and who may just be a tad crazy like us - just for his amusement!

That's it for tonight. I am completely worn out from the ongoing game of charades we have here at present! Every family should have a Japanese student stay with them - it's great fun! Night!

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