
Friday, August 12, 2011

New Logo......New Day!

You may......or may not.......have noticed something different about my little blog? I was thrilled to have my new logo released into my hands this evening, and have been feverishly altering, changing and updating all my different little networking tools! What do you think? Are you as in love as I am? No, probably not! But I am seriously delirious with joy!

It's hard for me to believe that Ms Midge - the handmade side - only really started late last year.....out of the "need" for some extra cash leading up to Christmas. It has slowly been gaining momentum since then, and a few weeks ago I started to believe a little more in myself, and my skills. So I summoned up the courage, and some determination, to get myself a professional looking logo! And I couldn't be happier!

Sooooo......I know I've said it before, but it's a new beginning! My hobby is right out there for everyone to see! And if you would like to see more, pop into . For now, you will be directed to my Facebook page, but in the near future the website will go live also! Exciting times!

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