
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pin Cushion Swap

Something I never thought I would be a part of!  Considering I only really took up sewing again a year ago, I'm constantly amazed at how much I WANT to sew.....and how much I WANT to make new things!  And this last week, I have made my very first, and second, pin cushion!

Lovely little flower from Penilla's Journey!

I wasn't entirely happy with my first attempt - only because I think I should have used more contrasting fabrics.  And then I remembered I had a gorgeous off-cut of the green elephants! So this is what 
came of that:

I'm so pleased I got another yard of this yummy fabric, it's patiently waiting for me to make Ms Chloe a Summer frock!
I have contributed the lovely elephant cushion to a pin cushion swap going on over at Oopsidaisi!  There are so many A-mazing pin cushions - some people are so damn talented! whilst I was at Spotlight.....I accidentally bought some pretty felt!  Have never used it before, so I'm ready to get creative, and make myself something lurvely!

And just on a side-note......look what arrived at my house today:

This is how the lovely Jewel send her parcels - so pretty!

And this is my new stash ready for more pretty girl goodness!
That's it for tonight - off to bed!

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