
Sunday, October 30, 2011

A very exciting request!

Hi all!  I've been a little AWOL of late....have had a lot on, and just had to breath.  But I'm checking in here now to give you a very quick update!

Last Sunday I had my little stall at Mulgrave Makers Market for the third month in a row.  Beautiful sunshine, lots of lovely folks and some cute little customers.

During the week, I got a lovely message from Nat at tiny & little.  Nat asked if I would like to put a photo of one of my dresses in the gift guide in their next issue?  So I acted all cool, and said SURE!!!!  And then I panicked!  None of the photos that I have taken of my products were magazine worthy......and I almost gave myself a hernia over-thinking it all.  Enter Gina Ralli Photography........Gina has taken family photos for us, and I love her work, so I contacted Gina for her advice on which photos to submit.....and one thing led to another (well, I probably just sounded like a freaked out woman!) and she came over on Friday to do a little mini photo shoot!  To say I was grateful would not even touch the surface!

The end result?  Well, have a look and see what you think:

I can't wait to see my little cherub, and Gina's, in the divine on-line magazine this week when it is released!

I'm so glad in all of my freaking out, I decided at 5pm Thursday afternoon that I would cut in to the divine Terrain fabrics and create the first two outfits!  A couple of hours later I had the gorgeous playsuit above and also this yummy little dress:

Quite evident why I fell in love with this fabric and HAD to have it!  Thanks Julie!
In other breaking news - I went to my first ever Halloween Party last night!  I know this may come as a shock to any US readers, but Halloween is not a widely recognised event in Australia.....well, until recently anyway.  This year, I have noticed everyone is talking about it, dressing up and decorating their homes.  It's still a bit strange, but we had lots of fun!  Here's an amusing photo of me and the husband:

Not the most attractive shot of us, but I guess it's not supposed to be?!?!
And last but not least - today I went to work.  So what? I hear you say.  Well, one of the many wonderful benefits of the job I have, is that I get to go to lots of great outings.  And today's was the Craft & Stitches Show, held at Caulfield Racecourse.  The most amazing part of the day was that I only spent $3!  Not including my lunch of course.  If only pay day had of been last week.......

What did everyone else get up to this week?

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