
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Clearing out the Cobwebs

The holiday is over.  The sun has disappeared (well, it had until today).  My tan is fading before I've had the chance to show it off to anybody who cares.  The exhaustion is lifting.  And my sewing machines have been dusted off.

Last week I used my time wisely.  I began tidying up my sewing space - taking the photo albums, uni textbooks and other crap out of the wall unit and re-organising it to accommodate my rapidly growing collection of fabrics and all things sewing related.

I happened to post a photo of my activities in a sewing group I am in.  And the most wonderful thing happened.  A lovely new friend of mine commented that the wall unit I have (from IKEA) has a desk attachment which works beautifully for sewing.  So I took my time worked up a sweat on the iMac searching IKEA's website looking for said desk attachment.  And found it.  Wow.  The twenty minutes that followed this discovery went something like this:

Screen shot of IKEA website MMS'd to husband to show how wonderful it was.

Reply from husband saying how wonderful it was.

Reply to husband saying I just got paid my penalty rates from working Boxing Day.

Thumbs up from husband for trip to IKEA.

Me climbing in car - childless - for trip to IKEA.

Angels singing as I wandered - childless - through IKEA.

Desk attachment purchased and taken home lovingly.

It's hard to believe that one little comment can lead to a complete overhaul of one room in a house.  But it did.  I can honestly say I would never dreamt of having the amount of room I now have in my sewing space, and I am thrilled!  Husband was very happy when he returned from work to find, not surprisingly, that I had pulled apart our desk to remove the return that we I no longer needed, and had roped in my 13 year old son to take all unwanted furniture out to the garage so I could put together my new love-child desk!  It's Uh-mazing!!!

The before and afters, which still really do not show just how much space I have now!
So, thank you to Bernii from Shnuckylove for the "heads-up"......I am a very content woman!  It was tried and tested yesterday with Ms Brother and Lady Huskylock...and worked wonderfully!

Ps.  Bernii makes the most gorg-wah ruffle bums - go have a looksy and tell her I sent you!

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