
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Did you know?

"That alleged homosexual advance - or “gay panic” - can be and has been used as a partial defence 
to murder in Queensland".

Yes, you read correctly.  I was pointed to a petition last week on Facebook by a friend of mine.  Mostly when people send me in these directions I don't really take much notice.  Not because I don't care about the issues of the world, sometimes it just seems like EVERYONE has an issue!  But this time, it took my interest.  You can read the full petition here.

So, back to the cause. A loophole in Queensland law literally allows people to use the above defence!  I find it absolutely absurd, and was more than happy to sign said petition.  I signed it, and then forgot about it.  Until today.  I received a follow-up email this afternoon.  And was astounded.  Please read:

       "Amazing. Father Kelly’s campaign to close the “gay panic” loophole in Queensland has surged to over 20,000 signatures in a matter of days, and ignited a furore all over mainstream and social media. The petition trended on twitter, was featured in the Daily Telegraph in Sydney, and even made front page of the Courier Mail in Brisbane.
The Government says they’re waiting for a recommendation from a law review committee before deciding whether to close the loophole -- but insiders say the committee is unlikely to recommend a single change. 
Thanks to Father Kelly’s campaign there's huge momentum for change, and continued pressure may just force action regardless of the committee. He needs every signature to persuade both Labor and the LNP to legislate to close this "gay panic" loophole. 
Help Father Kelly reach 30,000 signatures -- share the petition now on FacebookTwitter or via email and by spreading this link to the petition -- -- far and wide.
The government is trying to deflect attention, claiming that it’s closed the loophole that allows non-violent homosexual advance to be used as partial defence for murder. But the truth is that along with NSW, Queensland is the only state where the “gay panic” defence is still allowed in court.
As the intense media coverage continues, opposition leader Campbell Newman has the perfect opportunity to take a bold stand. He’s hesitating, but a surge of public support could convince him that he can win crucial public favour in the lead up to the election in March. What’s more, his public commitment might just convince the government it needs to stop “tinkering on the edges of reform” and commit to meaningful changes as well."

What on earth are our politicians scared of?  And why, oh why, is Queensland - and NSW it seems -  still living under this ridiculous law?  Please feel free to sign and share if you would like to!

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