
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Stash #7 - The Mother Load!

Sometime last year, I mentioned to my Tokyo BFF that there is a town near her called "Nipori Fabric Town".  Now just digest that for a second.  Fabric. Town.  I happened to mention also that if she ever happened to find herself in said town, to please check it out for me, and maybe even buy me some fabric.  And then never mentioned it again.

A few weeks ago, before mentioned BFF pinged me on FB to say that she was heading in to Fabric Town the next day, and was there anything in particular she should look for?  Ummmmmmm.  I did a quick Google search and gave her a few links to Japanese fabric designers, and also told her that I had just spent a considerable amount on a fabric order from the States, so was rather broke, "so just grab me a couple of small samples"......

Later that evening, she messaged me to ask whether I would have room for extra luggage on my upcoming trip to the Gold Coast (where we were meeting up)?  Ummmm, no, I'd only booked cabin luggage?  Fast forward a couple more hours to our Skype call - and cue me nearly passing out!  This darling friend of mine had gone to town - literally!  Print after print was shown to me in a virtual show and tell.  The ooh's and ahh's were hilarious!  Ms Suz - I LOVE YOU!!!!

So this my friends, is the Mother Load of stash additions!  Enjoy!

Nippori Fabric Town - Japan
Nippori Fabric Town
Fab little shop!
Fabric shopping Japanese style
Beautiful fabric display!

Always a good sign when you come home with more fabric than clothing in your luggage!
Lucky for me, Virgin had changed their fares, and mine did in fact include 23kg of luggage!
The mother load has now been unpacked and groped!
All unpacked and looking yummy!

And beautiful Japanese prints
Some gorgeous Japanese prints, they are a different kind of texture, I'm not sure what!
And this.... Simply divine!
Jolli Pomme - Love this!
Amazing Joli Pomme prints!
More Jolli Pomme - how amazing are these cats and bunnies?
THE cutest piggies, bunnies and elephants!
Gorgeous little animal prints.
Divine pinwale cord!
Some of the most beautiful pinwale cord I've ever seen.
LRRH Kokka style!
Little Red Riding Hood - Kokka style.
Kayo Horaguchi.... Amazing designer! This is probably my favourite of all the prints
Kayo Horaguchi prints.  These are to die for - I think they are a linen/cotton mix - described as "double gauze".  Divine.
Flanelette! I have no idea what to do with them?!?
Very cute flanelette prints!
I'm putting this one aside for future use!
And she even thought of my London Bff who's just moved back to Melbourne!

Kayo Horaguchi
More Kayo Horaguchi
Kokka trains
Kokka trains
Anpanman!  Favourite character for kids in Japan.
Famous character in Japan - these are to make my god-baby some goodies!
Gorgeous Enchino
Kayo Horaguchi
Even more Horaguchi!  Google the name!
Cute prints!
And finally some cute little prints!

Would you believe there was just over 9kg total?  And just over 40 metres of fabric!  Yay!

So - the moral of this blog post?  If you're ever in Tokyo - go to Nipori Fabric Town!!!  Now - what to do with all of this yumminess?

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash @ Finding Fifth!  Happy Anniversary Fiona!


  1. Oh my .... does your friend need another very best friend?? What a collection of gorgeous inspiration!!

  2. You are so so lucky! What a gorgeous stash addition!

  3. Wow, that's an amazing stash addition. Lucky you!

  4. Wow! This is like all the Christmases forever come at once! Enjoy :)

  5. Oh my!!! Soooo many stunning prints there. What a lovely friend you have :)

  6. wow - you have an amazing friend! Enjoy planning and gazing at all that lovely fabric!

  7. I imagine that the only thing better would have been a visit to your friend to go fabric shopping with her in person :) Lucky you Midge! Thanks for sharing so many pics of your bounty, just gorgeous!!

  8. Hehehe what a delightfully naughty bag of carry on luggage you scored...there s a bit of everything in this haul. What a generous friend.

  9. I am so incredibly jealous of you right now! These are lovely!


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