
Friday, February 22, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. #7 - My Scrappy Block

So it's Friday.  That means I should have some finishes to show you?  Well, although I have been a very busy beaver this week, making 7 dresses and one playsuit - I have only one quilting finish for you!  And this my friends is it....

My block for my month in QCA Bee #5!

Back HERE in January, I told you how I had joined a Quilting Bee.  Well, March is my month to be the Queen Bee (don't tell my husband, he is under the correct belief that I am a Princess), so a few weeks ago I decided on this beautiful block tutorial for everyone to make!  And I made the first of mine up early this week.  LOVE it!  Those teen little squares are made from 1.5 inch scrappy squares!  I am having a lot of fun digging out all the bags of scraps I'd forgotten I had! 

 I've already received two in the mail from my fellow bees, and can't wait to put a whole quilt together from them all!

That's all folks!

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted by Gingersnaps Quilts!


  1. The colours really shine out from this block. A whole quilt will look brilliant and such a good use for small scraps :)

  2. Fun block and a great stash buster pattern! Lots of pretty fabric in your block.

  3. Great block! Which bee are you in?


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