
Friday, March 1, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. #8 - A Productive Week!

I've had a rather productive week.  This is what happens when you have a change in work roster which leaves you with one Wednesday out of four not working.  And also helps that you have no children home two days a week either!

I posed a question to my lovely Facebook "followers" last week -

"Good morning! I have a question for you all! If you've been reading my blog, and been taking note here on my page, you will have noted that I have become rather "obsessed" with quilting? I would dearly love to sell some of my quilts, as I make them, and am curious whether You - as lovers of handmade - would consider buying a handmade quilt, something that is one of a kind and takes many hours - as a quality investment? The quilts I've made for family and friends, are made with the intent that they will be loved and used for a lifetime - so I'm wondering if others would see them that way too? ♥ Would LOVE your feedback!"

Well, they gave me their feedback, and it was extremely positive!  So that evening I decided I would make a quilt and actually time myself how long it takes, so I could then hopefully work out some pricing for when the time comes to actually sell one!

I took out the delicious "Little Apples" Jelly Roll and then looked up a tutorial I had seen over at Samelia's Mum.  You can find the tutorial HERE.  I did change it up a little.  I knew that I would be using some of the strips for binding, so made up the length with a few small rows of white underneath each of the moss green strips, and I also added 2.5" strips on the top and bottom.  I also didn't cut the strips in half once all sewn together.  I wanted the prints on each individual strip to stand out.  This quilt really is a breeze to put together!

Little Apples quilt
Little Apples Strip Quilt
Little Apples Quilt
Lots of "meandering" around the strips!
Little Apples Quilt
The back - You can see all the straight line quilting along the strips, and then I chose to do the lovely squiggles and loops around the edges.  Oh, and my husband asked why there was a grey rectangle on the back?  Ummmm, well because I ran out of the white, and thought it looked good! 
I used almost a complete jelly roll on the quilt top, but left seven strips aside for the binding.  I love it!

Once finished, I worked out that it took me around ten hours from start to finish!  Half of that time was taken up with the actual quilting.  So based on that, I was able to work out how much I could price my quilts at.  I am very pleased freaking happy to tell you that I got a custom order for a single bed quilt the same day I worked it all out!  Yay!
Then on Tuesday, I decided I needed to make a gift.  I had seen a beautiful dresden cushion that Gemma made over at Pretty Bobbins, so went and found the tutorial and as usual, dived right in!  I showed you my first attempt and this one in progress on Wednesday, but here is the finished product!  I am absolutely thrilled with how it has turned out!

Dresden Cushion
Love hearts
I was surprised to learn that I could in fact FMQ love hearts!  Amazing!
The back featuring some yummy @katespain Terrain
And the back.  I keep forgetting all the "scraps" I have hidden away in bags, and actually found about 1/4 yard of this divine Terrain print.  Woot woot!

Now, it's not perfect by any means.  I stuffed up the binding by cutting it 2" instead of 2.5", so it was very tight to put on.  And then, whilst stupidly trimming the batting after I had already sewn the binding on one side, I accidentally cut over the edged of the fabric fold, which should form a perfect mitred corner.  I could have cried.  I was able to remedy it, somewhat, but it's taught me to step away from the rotary cutter at times!

So there you have it!  A few Friday finishes!  Have you had any triumphs this week?

I'm linking up with Quokka Quilts today!


  1. Wow, way to go! That's awesome you got your first order. And, oh how I love Little Apples! Your quilt looks great!

  2. I love the Dresden cushion cover! The colours are just beautiful! The quilt is lovely too :) good on you for timing yourself! I never do that and I always make things mor complicated than necessary which isn't really great when it comes to pricing lol

  3. That is fantastic that the quilts are taking off and I love that cushion well done

  4. Oooh, great pillow! and the Lil apples are fab too! thanks for linking up!

  5. I love the quilt and cushion cover! I've awarded you the Liebster award. Information is on my blog :)

  6. Way to go on the custom order! Your quilt and cushion are beautiful!

  7. I love both of these - great work and very pretty.

  8. Great finishes. And congrats on the custom order!

  9. I love your dresden. I saw Gemma's when she finished hers, and now seeing yours... I think I might have to make one :)

  10. This is so sweet! Love your hearts in the corners. Very pretty fabrics in the dresden.

  11. Such a bright and fun cushion! I really like the heart quilting too. :)


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