
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #11 - Catching Up!

A few months ago, I decided I would join in the Riley Blake Mystery Block of The Month.  Yes, I've made a Pinterest board to store them! And now it's March!  Today brought an unexpected day off work, due to another mystery - the tiles smashed off Chloe's creche's roof on Monday, for no apparent reason - so creche was closed today!  Day off work = catching up on planned projects.

I started with February, as you do.  It is a paper pieced heart.  This set my heart racing.  I have seen so many beautiful and amazing paper pieced projects, that I never thought I would be able to do it.  But it seems I sort of can......

First attempt at paper piecing..... Getting a headache!
Trying to wrap my head around how this all worked literally gave me a headache!
Does it look like anything yet??
All pieced together - with a couple of added bits here and there due to - ahemmmm - someone stuffing up.  Note to self - do not take the paper off the back until the end!  Whoops!
All trimmed up!  It's still not finished, as I have to work out how I am going to applique it on to the backing piece?  I'm wondering if I should do it as I did the Dresden?  Any suggestions would be welcomed!
I'm sure I said I would never do HST'S again?!?
I then moved on to January's block.  Which entailed HST's.  Remember when I said I would be happy to never see them again?  Well, today reminded me why.  I must say - the trimming was made much easier with that little square ruler there ^^^^^^
Nearly done!
All laid out ready to put together!

I'm using the Willow range by Riley Blake, which I bought from Pink Castle Fabrics last month.  Once the nine blocks are made up, I think it will be beautiful!

So, that's what I'm working on at present.  You?

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Looking good so far! Well done on the paper piecing!

  2. Looks great. can your machine do a lovely raw edge Applique stitch? i wouldnt needle turn all those seams. Too hard.
    It'll be great... keep us in the loop!

  3. Looks good!i will message the how to n reverse appliqué once the kids are in bed :)

  4. Come on! That heart is so cute :-) Thanks for stopping by WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!

  5. You paper pieced heart looks amazing! And your chevrons are coming together too. I'd applique the heart using heat n bond lite and then zig zag around the outer edge. I've had pretty good success with that.

    I have already made the chevron (but for a different application--I sent them off as bee blocks. The paper pieced heart I haven't done yet, but I plan to use it in a wall hanging of my daughters improved pieced into blocks!


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