
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Stash #12 - The AQC Edition (Additions)

Good evening!  This is going to be as short and sweet as I can manage!  I've been trying to write this post all day but our internet has a technical problem in the line - so it keeps dropping in and out!

This past week has seen an influx of goodies welcomed in to my sewing room.  Well, only some of them can live in there, as there's no room left!

AQC loot!
These are all the pretty fat quarters I picked up at The Australasian Quilt Convention.  I bought them from a total of six different vendors, making sure I spread my monetary love!  I got some beautiful prints from fabric lines I'd been coveting for some time but couldn't justify a whole overseas order.  There's some Comma and Type, and also a couple of gorgeous Art Gallery prints.  Had to grab some Toy Story for one of my favourite little boys who has a thing for Woody and Buzz.  I was quite happy with my picks.
And more goodies
I also got myself some quilting gloves.  Have to be better than the Coles gardening ones I've been using!  The Scissorman had a special on rotary blades, so stocked up on them too.  And I found those great little half hexagon templates thingies aswell!
I received this little bundle of goodness from GJ Creative.  I won a $50 voucher, so stocked up on a few things and bought Clover clips for the first time as well as a Clover marker.  Hoping they help me!
In happier news.... Pretty mail delivery! A giveaway win from @adrianneonthewindyside thank you!! Xx
I also received this gorgeous pouch that I won from Adrienne at On The Windy Side.  She very kindly added a gorgeous little craft book and some charm squares.  Happy days!  For someone who never wins anything - I had a good run!
Fabric anyone? @sharondoesbali
Then Friday........THIS came!  It's the hugest fabric order I have ever placed - 75 yards of cotton duck and twill.  This pile of yumminess will become 120 cushion covers over the next month!  Wish me luck!
My first Sullivans order! Just need the fabric now!
And my first ever trade order with Sullivans.  Fabulous service and great prices.  Bias binding anyone?

Ok, that's it!  My house is officially a storage room for fabric.....

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash being hosted by Kate's Quilts this week!  Pop over and check it out!


  1. Oh wow! Great addition! 120 covers? Good luck with those.

  2. Wow! That's a lot of fabric :P I love what you got from AQC :)

  3. Wow. What a week and what amazing addtions! Such sensible ones as well. I really need some new blades, too. Now if only I found somewhere doing a deal... Anyway, good luck on the cushion cover front. I'm glad your mum will help you out - I read that in a previous post, right?

  4. Woo! Exciting! Love all of your new fun!

  5. There are two times I feel "obligated" to shop: when visiting a new shop I consider a purchase my "admission price"; when at a quilt show I just must make the vendors' trips worth while. LOL

  6. Wow!! Wonderful fabrics and notions. Good luck with your cushions!

  7. I do like your fabric choices for the cushion covers. What a task you have. Count them down.

  8. Can I come play in your stash?! So much pretty!

  9. wow! that's a LOT of fabric, I ordered 18 yards once and thought that was a lot! best of luck with your cushions, sounds daunting but they'll be so beautiful when you're done :D

  10. Lovely! And so jealous of you getting to AQC

  11. What a pretty bunch of goodies. Those are going to be some happy cushions!! Yay for winning!!


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