
Friday, April 19, 2013

Australasian Quilt Convention - Done. And a little old T.G.I.F.F.

 A couple of months ago, I googled "quilt shows".  Mr Google led me to a fabulous website HERE which gave me all the dates for craft and quilt shows in Australia this year.  I then added all the Melbourne dates to my calendar, in the hope that I would be able to get to them all!

The first cab off the rank was the Australasian Quilt Convention.  Of course, nothing goes completely to plan for me, so when Chloe decided that Tuesday night would be the perfect timing to get sick, I started panicking that I would not be able to go yesterday.  Thankfully, both my sister and husband came to the party and played tag team, so I could jump on a train in the morning and make my way to the city.  The train ride was entertaining as always - I felt like I had been transported back to 1992 with a variety of homeboys and ganstas (wannabes) riding my carriage (that sounds wrong).  We even had an impromptu dj performance - as you do.

So here are some pretty pictures from my day.....

 A wet and cold walk through Carlton Gardens to get to the Exhibition Building.  A beautiful part of Melbourne.

The line to get tickets.  Lucky I bought online the night before!

The beautiful Exhibition Buildings!

There was a beautiful display of "Quilts from Korea".  This was my favourite of the bunch.  It is called "The Beautiful" by Eun-Ryoung Choi.  She says "I intended to express many Korean traditional beautiful patterns and beauties in this quilt".  I think she succeeded!

A close up of amazing stitching.  I'm pretty sure there's hand stitching there?

Another display was the AQC Challenge: Free.  I love this one!  It's called "Free Beach" by Elaine Surmfels.  It is hand dyed background with various threads, silk and beads.  She has used thread painting, free motion raw edge appliqué, free motion quilting and beading.  "My quilt was aimed at stimulating those emotions within us.  To make people smile, feelings of being liberated, uninhibited and carefree".

The detail in this quilt is amazing.  The texture brings it to life.

The third display were all quilts by teachers.  This one is "Last Night's Left Overs" by Deborah Louie.  The colours and the fractured dresdens struck me!

Isn't it just beautiful?

This quilted portrait of quilter Margaret Rolfe drew me in.  It is quite large in size, and the colours are mesmerising.  It is called "The Quiltmaker" by Jenny Bowker.  She used traditional machine piecing, raw edged applique, free motion quilting, hand dyeing, paint applied on a quilted surface!  Amazing.

The best part about all of these quilts was when you got up close and personal with them.  The detail is very impressive.

And my favourite from the day - "Maynard" by David M Taylor.  One of the most gorgeous, unusual quilts I've seen.  It looks like a painting from afar.

And up close.  The first picture I took was inadvertently of the dog's bum!  I thought it a little inappropriate, so took another.  Millions of stitches making up for texture and shading.  Again, amazing.

This gorgeous quilt grabbed me as I rounded a corner!  It is from the "Best of the Best" display - all the quilts from around Australia, which have been awarded at quilts shows.  This particular quilt is called "In Love with Dahlia" by Sandra Aston.  It is machine pieced and quilted on a domestic machine.  This gives me much hope for the future!

Just look at those feathers!

A great part of the day was finding quilts that were made by some ladies I "know".  Well, I know of them through the Quilt Club Australia Facebook group!  This beauty is by Jill Radcliffe.  "Wheels to the West".  Hand appliqued and machine pieced.  I especially love the little triangles around the borders - they remind me of bunting!

This close up shows you just how beautifully pieced it is.  In awe.

And another of the ladies from QCA - Sheila Oaten - is the creator of this piece of magic!  "Kaffe and Kim and Me" is a beautiful version of Kim McLean's Flower Garden.  All hand needle turn applique.  Amaze-balls!

Big, beautiful Kaffe flowers!

I also sat and listened to a seminar about thread.  And needles.  I learnt quite a bit!

AND I met another lovely lady from QCA!  Norma!  Hope your hand heels quickly!

All in all, I spent around five hours there.  Five hours!  I wandered around aimlessly for about one of those hours, spent half an hour in line to get some lunch and the rest of the time pawed beautiful fabric, bought some quilting tools and generally just lapped it all up!  This lovely photo is of the most daunting escalator in Melbourne.  Parliament station gives me the heeby-jeebies!  So long and steep!

And when I got home, I unpacked my bags and found all this lovely loot!  I will show it all to you properly in my Sunday Stash post.  I'm quite pleased with my purchases.
And in breaking news - I started AND finished something today!  I told you last week that I had been invited to take part in a paper piecing bee - well, here's my first block!  Gemma is the Queen this month and her theme is Party.  You can find her inspiration board HERE.

Yay! My first ever block for wombat stew!
Birthday candles for Gemma!  I used Kristy's pattern, which you can find HERE.  She is quite the clever gal!

Phew!  What a post!  I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted by Sew At Home Mummy!


  1. looks like you had a great day, wish i could have made it there myself. Thanks for sharing some photos, many of which i had not seen on other sites. Thanks also for sharing my Flower garden and so pleased you liked it .I don't think i'll ever get over how i felt when told it was selected to be exhibited in Melbourne, such an honour.

  2. Glad you made it and had a great day. There are some very talented quilters out there for sure! Love the candles too. The design and fabric choices are perfect for a party quilt. Really can't wait to see that one come together. :)

  3. Midge, thanks for sharing these photos for the rest of us who couldn't go! There are some miraculous art pieces featured. I'm very excited to see your next Sunday Stash post for those goodies! Haha

  4. Great pics, awesome quilts, thanks for sharing. Your block is also nice. See ya on Sunday.

  5. Great stuff. I loved seeing the quilts through your camera. I'm from WA and have traditionally travelled to the Melbourne Quilt Show with my quilting group The Stitchin' Witches but we haven't made it for the past two years. I love the Exhibition Building, and I love Melbourne. Can't wait to visit again. Thanks Midge.

  6. That sounds like a dream day! I love your paper pieced candles too. Great job!

  7. Thank you for all of those gorgeous pictures of the convention! The candles sparkle!

  8. Thank you so much for bringing me to Australia. I have always wanted to go there. I loved most if the quilts you did and my favourite was the dog too. It was and is awesome. I'm too old to aspire to such greatness. Your block for your bee is lovely too - I LOVE paper piecing. I am so happy you joined my bee because you are a wonderful pieces and quilter. I am so glad your Chloe wasn't too ill to be left and you could go to the show.

  9. Thanks for photos of a show too far for me to get to in person from Portland OR. Vicarious travel is good.

  10. Melbourne looks beautiful as well as all the pretty quilts you saw! Your candles turned out so fun! I love the sprinkles across the bottom!!

  11. What a great day! Lets go together next year :) it's years since I've been to Melbourne :) the candles are beautiful! Thank you!! xx

  12. I am so glad you know who made the dog quilt! I got some pics, but forgot the info card. I missed meeting with you, bummer! Next time XX

  13. Thank you Midge for sharing your wonderful outing! What incredible talent!!! I can't wait to see just what fell out of that bag too! ;-)

  14. Great photos, thanks so much for sharing. Will be there one day, my hubby owes me a Quilting Convention after I went to a Finch Convention!


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