
Friday, April 12, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. #14 - What a Week

In a week that has been very busy and hectic, I don't feel like I have much to show!  This is how it went....

Monday, I turned 38.  38!!!!!!  Do you ever say your age out loud and follow it with an expletive?  I  do....  Anyway, in what could have been a rather depressing week, I made the most of it and here are some photos to show you!

Andrew had Uni Monday night (he's on the home straight of finishing his MBA!), so the kids and I travelled 45 minutes to his work and went out to the local shopping centre for my birthday lunch.  They're so cheeky!
Nothing like a birthday photo in the food court!
Can't say I've ever been happy to receive an electrical appliance for a birthday present.... Until now!!! No more rust spots! #touchwood
One of my birthday presents.  Yep.  An iron.  Normally I would not care for this type of birthday present, however after the "rust spots on the paper pieced cushion" fiasco, I was quite chuffed with my gift.
Just needs buttons!
I managed to finish this baby for a showcase over at Hollipop Lane.  Have had this fabric on my shelf for a couple of years now.  Perfect for a Black theme!
Thanks @jennaappleton they're gorgeous!
I came home from work on Wednesday to find this little package of cuteness waiting for me!  I won a little giveaway from Jenna on IG.
#rileyblakebom for march. I can't figure out the settings on my new iron! #late
I whipped this up one day this week.....I can't remember when?  It's the March Riley Blake BOM.  I'm still trying to figure out the settings on my iron.....
A quick skirt for a great price!
I felt the sudden urge to sew yesterday afternoon.  So grabbed the gorgeous Kokka LRRH fabric and whipped up a simple skirt.  Then offered it for $20 on Ms Midge!  I'm glad it's heading to a new home.
Pretty Terrain buttons for the QCA girls going to quilting convention!
And finally, today, amidst getting my blooms all started for the Bloom Bloom Pow! QAL, I quickly made this self covered big mumma buttons.  They are for some of the ladies going to the Australasian Quilt Convention next week.  I'm going on Thursday as are a few others from QCA, so we wanted a way to try and recognise eachother amongst the thousands of others.  Let's hope one of these pinned on our chests helps!

Oh, and I also spruced up the blog a little.  Thanks for the handy tips Gemma!

Phew.  I'm tired.  What a week.

On a final note.  I got some sad news this morning.  My Aunty passed away.  I just want to acknowledge her, as she was a voracious and passionate quilter, whom I unfortunately did not get to learn from, as the quilting bug only got me recently.  I can remember when we first moved to Melbourne, visiting her house and thinking "what a mess!"  It's only now that I can appreciate that the mess was actually her quilting love covering her home.  She mostly hand pieced and quilted, and had chests, drawers and beds covered in quilts.  I wish I had spent more time with her.
R.I.P. Aunty Lorna xxx

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted by Quilt Matters.


  1. Oh, those are the two cutest, most adorable skirts and dresses I have ever seen! I just love them both. And happy birthday!

    Sorry to hear about your aunt. Wish you had more time to share a love of quilting, but some things can't be helped.

  2. Such a sweet dress! Sounds like you've had a busy week :)

  3. Happy birthday!

    So much loveliness! I love that little dress and skirt! Totally adorable! And that churn dash block is great.

  4. Happy belated birthday! I know what you mean, I'm still trying to get to grips with the fact that 1993 was 20 yrs ago!!
    The skirt is super cute!
    Sorry about your Aunty x

  5. Congrats! I turned 36 last week :-) Lovely dress!

  6. That is quite a week -- Happy birthday! I love that skirt and dress. Fabulous! I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt too. XOX

  7. love the adorable dress . . i have some of that same fabric sitting on my shelf as well . .someday it will get made into something! sorry to hear about your aunt!

  8. Lovely work. Happy birthday, just wait until you have to add the number 7 to 38 and then you'll know how I feel!! I hate saying it out loud too!

  9. Wow , what a busy week for you!! A birthday, a death, and the birth of maaaany projects!! I am just getting to know you but you have awesome fabric taste/style. Your kids are so cute and I love the kids clothes you sewed this week. I am making a shirt right now using a different kolkka print. Have a fun weekend!!

  10. What a productive week! You're husband looks like Adam Gilchrist by the way :)

  11. Oh, wow - that dress is absolutely adorable. Love the fabric!

  12. Hello Midge,

    The little dress is gorgeous. I want one.

    Love from England,


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